lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

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"When I asked you to wear smart jackets..."
votevotelolx 2

last comments (total: 4)

Great caption! I gave you a LOL SUPER VOTE for this.
For some reason my name and the vote has not registered,
so it may be worth letting Chris Beach know there is an issue here
and perhaps he has a way of adding the votes to your score.
My Super Vote quota has been debited and tag shows that you have 2 super votes?


Thanks Zac. I note that you've given a LOL Supervote for the caption above mine. Did you intend to supervote them both? I just wondered in case you supervoted that one by mistake. If not, I'll contact Chris.

(caption author)

Yes, I gave BOTH captions the same SuperVote. Re-entered my vote and got the message that I had already voted. Tried again ten minutes later- same result!
I'll message Chris as well. Hope it gets resolved as it's a great caption...regards, Zac


Have sent Chris a PM


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