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See 8:58:13


Hi, Two things:
1. This woman's resemblance to Whoopie Goldberg is so apparent that it is not a proprietary observation; it's SO OBVIOUS that it's a starting point, like if there was a tall gentleman with a black beard and a tall black hat, LINCOLN might be a shared starting point for multiple captioneers. This has happened a bunch of times with characters reminiscent of Star Wars characters......and THEN we go and play with it.

2. I see you wrote "Whooping" in your splice. I don't know why. It is a type of coughing/sickness. In contrast, my Hoopi Goldberg, is a relatively strait-forward splicing of the two main ideas in the image. Not the most amazing caption ever, but not a copied one, a pretty solid one....written in the style of Welsh Rarebit (the celebrated captioneer, not the cheese sauce.)

A quick bow to Welsh Rarebit, as YOUR example inspired my humble attempt at mixing the DNA of the two main elements in this image, (as I see them...)

(caption author)

Ah, Welsh Rarebit .... the toast of Wales.


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