It happened to me about a week ago- I did a search for a particular word, got no hits so I put up my caption. A few minutes later an earlier caption appeared with the same idea, phrased differently, that used the same specific word. I just put it down to coincidence, two people having the same idea at the same time, but there have been problems with people doing it maliciously before.
That's pretty bad, which caption was it?
Not aimed at any in particular just a joke of how I feel thinking I'm sure that wasn't there before.
It happened to me about a week ago- I did a search for a particular word, got no hits so I put up my caption. A few minutes later an earlier caption appeared with the same idea, phrased differently, that used the same specific word. I just put it down to coincidence, two people having the same idea at the same time, but there have been problems with people doing it maliciously before.