avoiding cliches
There are some caption ideas that seem to crop up a lot. 'Budget cuts hit [insert film sequel here]' is a common example. Tempting as they are, I try to avoid them - unless there's a new angle on it, of course.
written by Christionion
15/01/09 1:43pm
15/01/09 1:43pm
Pimp my anything, Synchronized anything, captions that end with ".. not what he expected.", the Priceless mastercard bit, Extreme anything, superglued anything.
Sounds like a good idea to me, and it would look 'neater' to compiled in one place.
Edit: ' X and Y on acid' seems to be another such one.
the most sincere form of flattery. A good caption will start a trend and before long wind up a cliche. Often an idea bubbles up and you're not conscious of where it came from until you come across a similar caption posted previously.
Another caption site I posted on had no limit on the amount of submissions. On that site, I loved using the cliches (after doing my more original captions), and it was good fun for all of us.
They usually only got a moderate amount of votes, but they were fun to read. This site seems to limit captions though, so it would probably be wise to avoid the cliches like the plague here.
Erm... anyway, no point in wasting valuable captions on something you know will only get a chuckle at the most, right?