lol creative clever

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last comments (total: 4)

A vote for getting this right. Billy Bevan, not Charlie Chaplin. He mightn't have been a major star, but he did appear in over 250 movies, and only 6 people in the history of the Academy Awards have appeared in more Best Movie winners than him.


Amen bro. It was getting on my last nerve, everyone parroting "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie." Some backsides need kicking, but I don't want to give myself a Charlie-horse.


I'm kind of with you there Mauris, but that mightn't be a good thing as I'm a bit of a pedantic prick when it comes to captioning. I always try to write, and hope to read, captions that fully match the details in a photo. But, obviously, this limits options. I think most Captioneers prefer not to let the absolute truth get in the way of a good caption, and who can blame them.


Your last sentence, seems to be the philosophy for most in life. Everything's relative. Which brings up the old joke. Einstein said time is relative, which is why, when your relatives visit, you have no time.

Perhaps I take the very slightest of umbrage with your term "good caption." As I suggest in my profile, many times the best one doesn't get the most votes. Noticing little stickers for "clever," "creative," etc. I'd love to have a gold medal sticker that can go into the captions where voting has ceased, to stamp "Should Have Scored Higher," on some of the absolutely brilliant original wits who were eclipsed by something so generic & derivative.

Arrgghh... Populism!


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