Surprised the thought police haven't banned this expression yet. Surely the nanny state has a well funded team working on this awful triggering, traumatizing phrase... dear God, think of the children!
It actually comes from a phrase referring to the cat-o'-nine-tails. Apparently it was popularised by the British military. They'd say it when there wasn't enough room to give somebody a really decent whipping ... far less traumatising.
History AND Facts?!? Are you trying to make my head explode? Truth doesn't work on the permanently offended, they've been inoculated with spurious ideology. I shall be calling my local nanny state representative.
Surprised the thought police haven't banned this expression yet. Surely the nanny state has a well funded team working on this awful triggering, traumatizing phrase... dear God, think of the children!
It actually comes from a phrase referring to the cat-o'-nine-tails. Apparently it was popularised by the British military. They'd say it when there wasn't enough room to give somebody a really decent whipping ... far less traumatising.
History AND Facts?!? Are you trying to make my head explode? Truth doesn't work on the permanently offended, they've been inoculated with spurious ideology. I shall be calling my local nanny state representative.