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Eventually C.S. Lewis grew tired of the whole Narnia series and by the last book he really just wanted to be done with it.
Leo Slayer
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
If you're King of the Jungle, it's about time you got crowned.''
"Monkey?" "Yes, Sire?" "Has the parasol blown off again?" "Erm..."
When you've been told to stick to throwing faeces from the safety of a tree top, but you know better.
Putin Invades Ukraine
There once was a crazy baboon, Who was known as a bit of a loon, He crept up on Leo, And with all his brio, He buggered him with a bassoon.
At least one of them is about to go apeshit
...and this is why, Smack-No-Evil, didn't make the list.
"Where's he going to put that?" "Ohhhhh, the circle of life".
This is a stunning wildlife picture.
Raymond was only 45 seconds away from winning the world stick balancing record...
Reminds me of that Sleeping Lions game we used to play in school. The one where Mr Ripley creeps up and touches you with that big, hard stick while we all pretended to sleep.
🎵 The Lion sleeps tonig …… oh
''Why do you enjoy being beaten by the monkey?'' ''Being King of The Jungle I have enormous responsibilities. These S & M sessions give me the chance to relax and let go for a while.''
King Louie made a big mistake asking Blinky the Myopic Monkey to beat his lion skin rug.
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