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They aren't the kind of shoes you can wear furlong.
I'm not too stable on them
Equestrianable taste
Horse Shoe
Don’t think I’d be stable wearing these
These shoes are a 'mare to walk in
Wearing these made me lame.
Toed in the foal
Tread Rum
Cinderella was concerned her lost shoe might put off Prince Charming
"So whaddaya think? Yay or Neigh?"
Got them for a pony from a chap in The Nag's head
"I suffer from canter fasciitis."
Corn on the cob
I wanted some running shoes
That horse is only one foot high
I look 'hot to trot' in these!
She had big shoes to Filly.
''They go with my foxgloves.''
Tina tried wearing them as winter boots... but her feet were 'Freesian.'
"They gave me a 'Charley-Horse' in my calf... and, Trigger'ed my Hay-fever."
I got them for my wife thus Christmas . She had been nagging me for them for ages.
"I have bought you a pair of mules" said Dave
Mr Tread
CAPTIONEERS ENTRANCE EXAM Q1) What time did she come in wearing these shoes?
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