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“You won’t believe how difficult it was finding a baby sitter on New Year’s Eve “ said Dave
Young'uns & Dragons
"For pity's sake, Daffyd, why couldn't she just have a hamster like the English kids?"
''I don't suppose you'd consider a heinz junior dinner instead by any chance?''
Tails of the unexpected
Smaug fry
"Up a bit and slightly to the left."
Look, just shift your fucking tail it's on my bastard foot
Friendly fire
"Helo sut wyt ti." "Oh are you Welsh also ?" "No I'm dyslexic. "
After her success against the bears, Goldilocks moved up a division... It didn't end well.
Ella didn't understand the scale of the danger she was in
Parenting rule 1: always wonder what they're up to when it goes silent
Beauty and the Beast
Dragons play pen
" What big teeth you have!
The Girl With the Dragon but no Tattoo
Crouching Diaper Hidden Dragon
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