lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

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last comments (total: 2)

Like this, but can't help thinking it would be even better without 'of'


I could not respond to this earlier, due to depleted quota.
I had pondered over whether to use 'Pharaoh Face,' 'Phar'aoh Face,' or 'Pharaoh of Face,' when I first saw the pic in the upcoming previews. I finally decided on 'Pharaoh of Face,' because it was so close to the original verse, with 'Fair of Face.'
I did like both options, however, and would have been open to dropping the "of," if my voters were in
agreement. Unfortunately, I couldn't ask Karyn, the founder, or any of the other voters, with zero
quota. None of the captioneers asked me to change it, by suggested edit, but then it was picked very
quickly, so maybe they would have. I would still change it, but only if 'all' my voters agreed.

(caption author)

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