Great caption. Could reword slightly to make it "snappier":"After a nursery school bus crashed into Piranha-infested water, identifying remains was tricky."or"Identifying remains was tricky after a nursery school... --Chris Beach
Here, have a Vivvy Super Vote, you've earned it. I've just bobbed into Tesco for a few provisions and absolutely lost it at the sight of the rotisserie. Cracked up, well done! I can't shop there again for a few weeks tho. --Vivvy En
I tend to agree with you about short captions. Some can be very apt and funny. Pastafarian, to me just seemed to perfectly sum up the whole picture. One of those I wish I'd thought of.
Haha this one is actually quite funny, but some of the recurring captions; (paws, leader, rye) with or without a little tweaking tend to be applicable to hundreds of photos.
♫ Just cus he's better looking than me, just cus he's cool and trendy ♫...What a choooooooon!
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♫♫ Gordon is a Mormon ♫♫ [John Llamas]
he may be taking liberties with the cool and trendy bit though
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♫♫ Gordon is a Mormon ♫♫ [John Llamas]
Must be his step dad,
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"Put the bleeding camera away and help me Dave" [John Llamas]
Just Pastafarian does it for me.
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Pastafarian [John Llamas]
Abridged version by popular demand - I am trying to resist one or two word captions normally.
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Pastafarian [John Llamas]
I tend to agree with you about short captions. Some can be very apt and funny. Pastafarian, to me just seemed to perfectly sum up the whole picture. One of those I wish I'd thought of.
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Pastafarian [John Llamas]
I don't know why this isn't getting more votes, it's brilliant!
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"Not now Queso" [John Llamas]
Haha this one is actually quite funny, but some of the recurring captions; (paws, leader, rye) with or without a little tweaking tend to be applicable to hundreds of photos.
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"Not now Queso" [John Llamas]
Funny, only Dutch world champion chess was called "Euwe"
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Ewe to move [John Llamas]
I'm a junkie .... Get me methadone
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On the filmset for pilot episode of new Scottish regional reality tv show.......'Fuck me, it's Dundee' [John Llamas]