Great caption. Could reword slightly to make it "snappier":"After a nursery school bus crashed into Piranha-infested water, identifying remains was tricky."or"Identifying remains was tricky after a nursery school... --Chris Beach
Here, have a Vivvy Super Vote, you've earned it. I've just bobbed into Tesco for a few provisions and absolutely lost it at the sight of the rotisserie. Cracked up, well done! I can't shop there again for a few weeks tho. --Vivvy En
From the reaction I realise that I may have strayed the wrong side of the border of funny on this one but it is a very grey area - had there been a swimming pool background and I mentioned Michael Barrymore that would be fine, from past entries and that involved a sexual assault and ultimately death.Many other captions have involved similar implications but by using more jovial language. The caption is not meant to in any way glorify or trivialise the issue but it was a case of an expression on the face and a word that rhymed with cape. If people would prefer it I will take the caption down but if we review things that have gone before, the site is not a haven for political correctness. I will take a steer from you guys
We are pretty crazy in Holland Dan Dan, but not that crazy. lol
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Ladies and Gentlemen, your onboard entertainment today will be Jedward. Lifeboats are located to the rear of the vessel [John Llamas]
What? What was the message? TELL ME!
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The pebble hit the window, Liz pulled back the curtains and although the message from below was silent and subtle, she knew what Dave wanted. [John Llamas]
If you ask me he wanted a slap
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The pebble hit the window, Liz pulled back the curtains and although the message from below was silent and subtle, she knew what Dave wanted. [John Llamas]
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Steve was hoping for a crack in the mouth [John Llamas]
Cracking caption.
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Steve was hoping for a crack in the mouth [John Llamas]
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( 15 across ) .........known as the River Horse -
5 letters .... h something p something o [John Llamas]
Is this supposed to be funny?
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The Raped Crusader [John Llamas]
Re: anon. Yep, it is.
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The Raped Crusader [John Llamas]
From the reaction I realise that I may have strayed the wrong side of the border of funny on this one but it is a very grey area - had there been a swimming pool background and I mentioned Michael Barrymore that would be fine, from past entries and that involved a sexual assault and ultimately death.Many other captions have involved similar implications but by using more jovial language. The caption is not meant to in any way glorify or trivialise the issue but it was a case of an expression on the face and a word that rhymed with cape. If people would prefer it I will take the caption down but if we review things that have gone before, the site is not a haven for political correctness. I will take a steer from you guys
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The Raped Crusader [John Llamas]
Some people may not find it funny, some may be offended. Others will see it for what it is - a great play on words, well done.
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The Raped Crusader [John Llamas]