Great caption. Could reword slightly to make it "snappier":"After a nursery school bus crashed into Piranha-infested water, identifying remains was tricky."or"Identifying remains was tricky after a nursery school... --Chris Beach
Here, have a Vivvy Super Vote, you've earned it. I've just bobbed into Tesco for a few provisions and absolutely lost it at the sight of the rotisserie. Cracked up, well done! I can't shop there again for a few weeks tho. --Vivvy En
Shame it was changed. Sneaked was correct. Snuck is used in American and Canadian English as the past tense and past participle of sneak, but it is considered non-standard, i.e. for dialectal and informal speech and writing. The standard past tense is sneaked. Snuck is relatively new, an Americanism introduced in the late 19th century.
snuck off
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Clarkson is snuck out of the One Show Studios. [John Llamas]
Just noticed how like Clarkson he looks pennyworth, it's 'snuck'.
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Clarkson is snuck out of the One Show Studios. [John Llamas]
I would go for Snuck to.
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Clarkson is snuck out of the One Show Studios. [John Llamas]
Haha! Four requests to change to snuck are ignored! But when good old Bob shares his opinion, immediate change.
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Clarkson is snuck out of the One Show Studios. [John Llamas]
Shame it was changed. Sneaked was correct. Snuck is used in American and Canadian English as the past tense and past participle of sneak, but it is considered non-standard, i.e. for dialectal and informal speech and writing. The standard past tense is sneaked. Snuck is relatively new, an Americanism introduced in the late 19th century.
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Clarkson is snuck out of the One Show Studios. [John Llamas]
arrested :)
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"Shall I get the nuts out for the birds?"
"No Steve, you were arrested for that last year." [John Llamas]
Thanks, I did it on my phone and I can't really see what I'm writing on the screen
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"Shall I get the nuts out for the birds?"
"No Steve, you were arrested for that last year." [John Llamas]
You need one of them Braille phones. In the weather shown Flashers might have to get women to use Braille to feel where it is.
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"Shall I get the nuts out for the birds?"
"No Steve, you were arrested for that last year." [John Llamas]
I'm obviously the only one who doesn't get it, please explain?
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He's from the Isle of Man [John Llamas]
Not only does the photo look like they're on an island but the pose the man is in looks quite like the flag of the Isle of Man.
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He's from the Isle of Man [John Llamas]