super vote: ( left this week)
Your call is very important to us - please continue to hold
09/12/17 8:18:18
Bloody Hell - at last detention is finally over.
01/04/17 19:31:39
My-hut-Ma Gandhi
03/10/12 8:10:56
Jester Piggot
07/04/18 20:22:17
The Abu Hamza Arms
23/10/12 19:16:02
24/10/12 11:20:36
Was originally built on two floors - but that's another storey
14/12/11 12:09:52
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
20/02/12 12:49:47
The Chilean miners emerge, Juan by Juan
22/02/12 21:36:07
The roots of all evil
15/11/12 12:14:40
Just walking my goldfish
25/12/11 15:06:35
Mills and Doom
22/09/12 19:42:27
You hang up you hang up first
20/04/12 19:45:07
Are my roots showing?
07/03/12 12:08:31
They were heading off to a Minnie break
15/12/17 12:17:58
If you take any longer the game will be Stale Meat
13/11/12 12:51:23
Overall it was a big improvement
27/01/18 10:20:11
Pair of slippers
18/11/17 20:13:21
Ugly duck ring
18/09/17 18:18:47
Even though Dave tried hard to kick the habit, he would still light up.
06/12/12 12:18:46
The police were given a frosty reception
20/11/12 12:09:12
Extreme Feng Shui
03/09/12 15:06:44
Nudist Beech
22/02/12 16:15:29
Bloody Germans! Reserving tooth brushes on holidays.
15/12/11 14:07:15
Initially very popular in Derbyshire the sport of extreme train spotting never really caught on.
30/11/19 14:44:11
Iron Maiden
07/04/18 12:05:56
Baldrick are you sure about this cunning plan?
26/09/16 8:01:30
Massive Chew Set, USA
04/10/12 11:23:33
Where've you beanie all my life?
19/05/12 15:22:02
I'm not gay - but my boyfriend is.
30/04/12 17:22:04
RyanAir announce their new budget service to Ireland
25/02/12 11:29:22
Just sprucing myself up a bit
12/02/12 22:20:31
Hurry up - we're dying of exposure
16/12/11 22:20:07
She gave me crabs, the other gave me clamydia
12/12/11 21:26:18
Victoria Peckham
01/12/12 10:42:50
Synchronized swimming demands advanced water skills, and requires great strength, endurance, flexibility, grace, artistry and precise timing, as well as a nice arse.
29/11/12 14:54:33
21/11/12 13:29:30
Shaving private Ryan-air
14/11/12 21:57:39
The Poo Fighters
20/10/12 11:26:48
Felix originally wanted a relationship with no Thais
05/10/12 21:26:07
New kid on the block
02/10/12 21:10:47
Looking to buy a boat? - I Noah a guy
16/05/12 21:07:53
Natalie Wood
27/04/12 21:32:50
Egg on the right: I think I can smell his crack
26/02/12 20:57:45
They didn't appreciate the gravity of thier situation
06/01/12 11:48:19
We can't believe it's not Buddha
01/01/12 14:50:20
He was begging for it
24/12/11 22:17:25
"🎵 don't go bacon my heart, I couldn't if I lied..🎵
10/12/17 9:49:04
He's been done for exposure before
09/12/17 20:31:38
I fell for him hook line and sinker
02/12/17 13:28:24
Korean fast food delivery van
19/04/17 7:00:53
Does it come with a Tom Tom?
09/04/17 11:57:46
I've cut back I only drink one glass a night
12/12/17 21:33:46
Mustang on
03/12/17 22:33:53
Phuket I'll start my diet tomorrow.
30/04/17 9:50:41
Police are still mystified at who vandalised Snow Whites' car
18/04/17 17:20:29
Diving Belle
17/04/17 19:06:41
How many times have I told you not to use the boil wash - look what you've done to Santa.
09/04/17 20:14:37
I told you not to use the boil wash.
07/04/17 12:10:17
Ok very clever - but I bet you can't reverse it.
12/10/16 19:43:11
They were going into the woods to expose themselves
08/09/16 21:57:31
Harley, David's Son
04/12/12 13:12:36
New C4 series - "Come Die With Me"
20/11/12 8:58:10
Pants People
15/10/12 14:53:13
It'll be fine - I checked the forecast with Michael Fish
01/10/12 14:56:14
Max Bygraves support act now forced to go it alone.
05/09/12 22:26:58
I'm not Bob Marley - I'm bloody Hank Marvin
29/08/12 11:51:45
You buy Juan you get Juan's brother free
23/04/12 21:38:51
Look at me guys I'm still in my prime mate
09/02/12 12:51:32
First Aid Kid
06/01/12 21:40:49
I doughnut believe it!
03/01/12 17:22:03
Dave made sure he was prepared for his annual blow job
28/12/11 21:30:29
Scotty - increase power to the transporter I think we're losing her.
22/12/11 16:44:57
When I think about you I touch my elf
01/12/19 14:48:39
The true identity of the Stig is finally revealed
25/04/18 19:47:07
So much for looking for a relationship without any ties
01/02/18 16:45:34
A shotgun wedding
25/01/18 18:16:45
I asked these guys for directions... But I couldn't get a straight answer out of them.
03/12/17 9:01:41
Chilean minor
10/04/17 15:13:26
Typical - your waiting for your bust and three busts come at the same time.
02/04/17 7:53:27
After numerous unsuccesful diets Dave tried to top himself
21/12/12 12:23:47
19/12/12 16:07:53
Peking and forgot to duck
02/12/12 17:57:56
Narcoleptic help line
25/11/12 20:15:26
Whacky racer
23/11/12 20:41:19
Square dancer
23/11/12 10:16:28
She fell from him hook line and sinker
31/10/12 20:20:48
29/10/12 11:04:55
My mum was right, there's plenty more fish in the sea
26/10/12 19:19:07
Oil of you pray
21/09/12 9:29:33
Fund raising continues to help Rangers pay their tax bill.
12/09/12 13:07:17
05/09/12 12:47:47
Full english with some toast Honda side please
29/08/12 11:49:58
Another victim of identity theft
14/08/12 17:46:52
How much for a doggy in the window?
02/05/12 12:24:14
A lass for Yorick
19/03/12 16:43:08
Aw Shit - forgot my Nectar card.
06/03/12 13:13:40
Don't come in here with Shiite on your shoes(cue for a Shiite joke?)
15/01/12 17:07:06
Grab a Granny Sale! - last one on the shelf.
12/01/12 12:31:37
Has anyone found of one those bloody Meerkats yet - otherwise it looks like I going to have to pay full price for my car insurance.
01/01/12 22:01:24
18 - 27 8 - 17 1 - 7
But then again, as Morrissey said: Mate is Murder
comment on caption: If you take any longer the game will be Stale Meat [Baglan Gladiator]
Shaving Ryan's private 'air.
comment on caption: Shaving private Ryan-air [Baglan Gladiator]
Or even shaving Ryan Air's privates? a flash.
comment on caption: They were going into the woods to expose themselves [Baglan Gladiator]
You wait half an hour for a bus, nothing happens, and then all of a sudden, still nothing happens.
comment on caption: Typical - your waiting for your bust and three busts come at the same time. [Baglan Gladiator]
Anon - And where the Phat Phuc do you think this restaurant is - a leafy suburb of Hanoi? :)
comment on caption: Phuket I'll start my diet tomorrow. [Baglan Gladiator]
Very good
comment on caption: Your call is very important to us - please continue to hold [Baglan Gladiator]
There's no body on the line.
if I fried?
comment on caption: "🎵 don't go bacon my heart, I couldn't if I lied..🎵 [Baglan Gladiator]
That's going to leave more than just a spot.:^)
comment on caption: Initially very popular in Derbyshire the sport of extreme train spotting never really caught on. [Baglan Gladiator]
But then again, as Morrissey said: Mate is Murder
comment on caption:
If you take any longer the game will be Stale Meat [Baglan Gladiator]
Shaving Ryan's private 'air.
comment on caption:
Shaving private Ryan-air [Baglan Gladiator]
Or even shaving Ryan Air's privates?
comment on caption:
Shaving private Ryan-air [Baglan Gladiator] a flash.
comment on caption:
They were going into the woods to expose themselves [Baglan Gladiator]
You wait half an hour for a bus, nothing happens, and then all of a sudden, still nothing happens.
comment on caption:
Typical - your waiting for your bust and three busts come at the same time. [Baglan Gladiator]
Anon - And where the Phat Phuc do you think this restaurant is - a leafy suburb of Hanoi? :)
comment on caption:
Phuket I'll start my diet tomorrow. [Baglan Gladiator]
Very good
comment on caption:
Your call is very important to us - please continue to hold [Baglan Gladiator]
There's no body on the line.
comment on caption:
Your call is very important to us - please continue to hold [Baglan Gladiator]
if I fried?
comment on caption:
"🎵 don't go bacon my heart, I couldn't if I lied..🎵 [Baglan Gladiator]
That's going to leave more than just a spot.
comment on caption:
Initially very popular in Derbyshire the sport of extreme train spotting never really caught on. [Baglan Gladiator]