Flash cars with personalised number plates are for men who want to pull women who are impressed by that sort of thing. I prefer women with brains... but that's just sad old push-bike riding me. --Tony Busby
Neil, perhaps I should point out that I would only describe the car's owner as a w4nk3r because of the shabby number plate, not because of their choice of vehicle.
In what context do you mean Shabby? a. Showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out: shabby furniture. b. Dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through neglect; seedy: a shabby little park. 2. Wearing threadbare clothing. 3. a. Despicable; mean: a shabby trick. b. Not generous or just; unfair: shabby treatment. c. Of mediocre or substandard quality: a shabby performance.
Flash cars with personalised number plates are for men who want to pull women who are impressed by that sort of thing. I prefer women with brains... but that's just sad old push-bike riding me.
That's why I stopped going to the pub with my mother.
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Carlsberg don't make women easier to shag but if they... Oh wait, no that's wrong, Carlsberg do make women easier to shag. [Spud Gunn]
If I could give a 'LOL' for a comment I would - I'll donate you a super vote instead
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Carlsberg don't make women easier to shag but if they... Oh wait, no that's wrong, Carlsberg do make women easier to shag. [Spud Gunn]
Thank you!
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Carlsberg don't make women easier to shag but if they... Oh wait, no that's wrong, Carlsberg do make women easier to shag. [Spud Gunn]
so Pluto getting sloppy 2nds after Goofy now
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Mickey, your horoscope says 'Pluto will be in conjunction with Uranus tonight'
[Spud Gunn]
I can see him pulling a Woman with that car, I don't think he'd have to pull his own.
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]
5OM3 C4PT1ON33R5 4R3 5O J34LOU5
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]
Neil, perhaps I should point out that I would only describe the car's owner as a w4nk3r because of the shabby number plate, not because of their choice of vehicle.
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]
In what context do you mean Shabby?
a. Showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out: shabby furniture.
b. Dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through neglect; seedy: a shabby little park.
2. Wearing threadbare clothing.
a. Despicable; mean: a shabby trick.
b. Not generous or just; unfair: shabby treatment.
c. Of mediocre or substandard quality: a shabby performance.
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]
3c. substandard (Illegal spacing) and mediocre (should've bought PR08 LEM or not bothered at all)
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]
Flash cars with personalised number plates are for men who want to pull women who are impressed by that sort of thing. I prefer women with brains... but that's just sad old push-bike riding me.
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Because someone already had 'W4NK3R'. [Spud Gunn]