super vote: ( left this week)
The fruits of my labour.
16/10/20 7:19:01
Meanwhile there's trouble at pepper mill
03/10/20 20:18:33
"Any other business? Yeah, I think I've done some in my pants."
26/09/20 11:06:31
Groundhog Day for Craptioneers
13/09/20 19:17:43
He's popped his Kellogg's
09/09/20 19:10:09
He lead them into battle.
30/08/20 11:26:40
Captioneers Arm Wrestling CompetitionWinner can choose one from the following:(a) mannequin;(b) cat;(c) copy of Gulliver's Travels;(d) date with Dave.
20/08/20 11:01:16
Scaredy cats
13/08/20 11:28:16
"Now let's remove his testicles. That's a whole new ball game."
07/08/20 8:34:10
Boris's dog trying to organise a piss up in a brewery.
01/08/20 7:14:54
Well she did fall for his pickup lines.
30/07/20 11:02:43
This was in my fortune cookie before I became a nun.
20/07/20 19:07:07
"You do realise this is and somebody will put a cat among us..?"
19/07/20 7:14:20
"I'm just putting the bubbles in now, M'Lady"
17/07/20 8:03:27
Water Polo
14/07/20 19:00:46
Message from beyond the grave.
04/07/20 12:14:58
She used to be a sex cymbal
25/06/20 11:03:06
Groucho Barks
06/06/20 7:00:08
29/05/20 19:00:51
Lemon drizzle
23/05/20 19:00:10
Gangs of bike thieves target lone bulls cycling to work.
12/05/20 19:16:40
"You've got bookworms."
03/05/20 7:30:03
Ursa Minor
17/04/20 7:16:18
Now you've wet your pants.
14/04/20 11:36:54
"You're right. It's a jungle out there."
14/04/20 7:22:19
Taste buds
11/04/20 7:14:29
"I'll give it a whirl."
09/04/20 11:04:18
Mend your ways.
08/04/20 19:05:36
Only £2.99 (slightly soiled).
04/04/20 19:03:55
Guide Dog for the Colourblind
16/03/20 20:00:15
"It's very sad. She's started to cut herself."
13/03/20 8:21:28
"If the Tudors managed with a stick and a sponge, who needs toilet paper?"
11/03/20 12:22:21
"It's untrue that cox size doesn't matter."
05/03/20 20:00:29
Time to self isolate with your Corona.
04/03/20 20:12:09
Painting by Numbskulls
04/03/20 12:00:35
Buoy George
02/03/20 12:49:17
Men are like umbrellas. Too much wind and they're useless. Personally, I left mine in the pub.
31/01/20 13:08:34
"Don't worry dear, it's only a couple of seagulls"
19/01/20 8:14:49
"Wow, she's no oil painting."
13/01/20 8:09:21
"Right I'm off to shave my bum. On second thoughts, he can do it himself."
11/01/20 21:23:08
The Crate Escape
09/01/20 12:05:55
It belongs to the Swedish House Mafia
04/01/20 8:43:18
Seafood always gives me a funny turn.
01/01/20 8:46:29
Our Christmas Tree's gone to pot.
26/12/19 20:09:39
He's slightly exaggerating the size of his friend's nose.
21/12/19 12:02:24
"Tell your Mum the convention for humorously large fruit and vegetables is next door."
19/12/19 8:18:52
I've always thought cornflakes were pants.
15/12/19 8:55:57
The Second Coming
14/12/19 8:00:30
I'm not spending a penny on one of those.
05/12/19 20:06:16
"Hit one more duck and we've got enough tokens for the giant dildo!"
09/11/19 20:02:13
The Incredible Sulk.
05/11/19 20:01:58
"Anyway, my Mum says I'm going to Eton.""No- going to be eaten."
04/11/19 8:20:19
Cat napping.
02/11/19 20:53:49
He's a Control-Alt-Delete freak.
19/10/19 11:02:58
"Mum, I've got the part of Atlas in the school play."
12/10/19 7:34:19
The traffic's murder round here.
11/10/19 7:03:18
Hygiene rating: 4 (last year 2). He is risen.
07/10/19 19:16:33
He's actually a Clerk from Kent.
30/09/19 7:17:56
This week on Homes Under the Hammer, we look at Uncle Tom's Cabin.
27/09/19 7:05:30
"Don't bend it like Beckham!"
04/09/19 19:08:59
He was stiff long before 2017.
15/08/19 19:00:27
Foetal attraction
14/08/19 7:14:04
No self-service.
13/08/19 7:19:48
I was expecting more puns. The cornea, the better.
12/08/19 20:22:16
At least the beer's got a good head on it.
24/07/19 19:01:24
The goalie's suffering from percussion.
17/07/19 19:16:49
"Stop ursine around!"
13/07/19 11:12:39
Braking Bad
10/07/19 19:15:28
On his stag night they threw him in the Ganges. Same thing happened to his fiancée on her Hindu.
09/07/19 19:24:17
Which hunt
04/07/19 7:31:11
It was just a storm in a teacup.
23/06/19 19:08:56
The bride was so beautiful she blew everyone away.
20/06/19 11:00:08
The Government sends a powerful message to all pensioners entering care homes.
11/06/19 19:19:09
As I quickly found out, neither of them were much interested in sex.
08/06/19 15:54:09
Shop till you droop
03/06/19 11:14:26
"You two kept me up all night with your coffin."
23/05/19 11:13:35
More recipes available on
21/05/19 11:29:26
Alloy Vera?
20/05/19 20:59:25
"Thanks guys for picking up the tab. I'll pay next time.."
07/05/19 11:01:53
Four dyslexics walked into a bra
03/05/19 19:29:45
A Plume with a View
03/05/19 7:00:30
Security guard training school
02/05/19 7:55:58
A sanctuary for cats and mannequins.
30/04/19 7:28:03
"Can I have a gander inside?"
25/04/19 19:02:07
"It can't be an Audi, it's got indicators."
22/04/19 19:32:48
Never trust a gypsy when she tells you you'll be getting on a plane and sitting on a beech.
21/04/19 7:39:23
Luckily we managed to find Marge Simpson's breast implant.
14/04/19 19:16:14
"Quick run - it's the anal bleaching guy again!"
14/04/19 7:06:03
I don't think you should drink when you're on tablets.
12/04/19 19:04:08
Brian longed for a good shag in his bedroom.
28/03/19 21:25:31
"I'm gonna need a bigger throat.."
21/03/19 20:16:07
Pity he won't shave his plums.
19/03/19 8:23:12
🎵 I like big butts and I can not lie.. 🎵
17/03/19 8:00:10
Insects Symbol
25/02/19 20:09:56
My other animal is a shyer horse.
18/02/19 12:12:29
"Oh no, we've had poachers!"
28/01/19 12:00:51
Boney M & M's
10/01/19 20:02:36
To be honest I think that's a bit out of order.
02/01/19 12:00:42
This pic reminds me of One or two nuts but overall a lovely bunch.
28/12/18 20:06:54
"Anyway this is my last shift. I've got a job as a bouncer."
22/12/18 20:18:47
581 - 590 571 - 580 561 - 570 551 - 560 541 - 550 531 - 540 521 - 530 511 - 520 501 - 510 491 - 500 481 - 490 471 - 480 461 - 470 451 - 460 441 - 450 431 - 440 421 - 430 411 - 420 401 - 410 391 - 400 381 - 390 371 - 380 361 - 370 351 - 360 341 - 350 331 - 340 321 - 330 311 - 320 301 - 310 291 - 300 281 - 290 271 - 280 261 - 270 251 - 260 241 - 250 231 - 240 221 - 230 211 - 220 201 - 210 191 - 200 181 - 190 171 - 180 161 - 170 151 - 160 141 - 150 131 - 140 121 - 130 111 - 120 101 - 110 91 - 100 81 - 90 71 - 80 61 - 70 51 - 60 41 - 50 31 - 40 21 - 30 11 - 20 1 - 10 1 - 0
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption: "What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption: "Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption: 🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption: I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption: Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption: Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption: Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption:
"Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption:
🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption:
I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption:
Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption:
Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption:
Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]