super vote: ( left this week)
I'm sorry but life's no Picnic.
17/12/21 20:00:21
"She's no oil painting."
04/12/21 12:16:34
Top Gundog
03/12/21 20:02:16
As for their marriage, they've decided to call it a drey.
01/12/21 12:32:50
It was originally delivered to the wrong address but fortunately there was a happy ending.
30/11/21 20:02:51
I might give them a ring sometime.
15/11/21 20:12:32
Sadly six-packs often turn into barrels.
07/11/21 20:09:09
Some waitresses expect a tip.
03/11/21 8:04:14
"Mum! This cucumber smells funny.."
30/10/21 19:21:48
🎵 Ice ice baby 🎵
30/10/21 19:09:46
Piggy in the middle
27/10/21 19:00:50
Campers restrain weirdo found loitering within tent.
26/10/21 7:06:30
Coney Island
23/10/21 7:06:58
"Waiter - there's a hare in my food!"
23/10/21 7:04:27
Crèche course in swearing.
20/10/21 19:01:54
Now I understand the rubber knickers.
20/10/21 7:06:29
Luckily the driver knows a few short cuts.
13/10/21 11:23:41
Don't worry - We're sending William Chat-ner to the rescue.
12/10/21 4:22:51
"We need to get you to a doctor. You've got a terrible rash on your hands."
01/10/21 7:07:27
Another HGV driver accepts job offer in the UK.
28/09/21 19:01:12
Little Strummer Boy
22/09/21 19:15:52
Make friends, make friends, never never break friends
20/09/21 19:15:40
Mocha Do About Nothing
14/09/21 11:01:55
I met these two on a blind date. At least one of them genuinely likes long walks on the beach.
08/09/21 19:06:56
Eats shoots and leaves. Anon can stick the comma.
03/09/21 19:06:45
Despotty Time
16/08/21 19:41:21
"This is where I fell for your mother.."
14/08/21 11:05:10
"and you can tell that Humpty Dumpty - I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me.."
13/08/21 19:00:59
A Street Cat Named Sponge Bob
03/08/21 7:03:01
This was quite near spaghetti junction.
01/08/21 19:04:29
"One thinks one will have a meal for One."
28/07/21 11:38:04
He likes to Winalot.
19/07/21 19:02:10
There's a leak in the toilets so you'll need your waders.
14/07/21 7:01:38
"Dad, are we having fun yet?"
12/07/21 19:11:06
World's thickest cat tries to work out his age.
10/07/21 19:03:02
"Why is that guy chucking them around?""He's the Percy Thrower."
29/06/21 7:02:19
Sea dog
09/06/21 19:16:51
That moment when you realise you've not put the recycling bin out.
08/06/21 19:03:31
🎵 You spin me right round, baby
04/06/21 19:24:02
He gave me a torrent of abuse
28/05/21 19:17:19
Click and collect available.
27/05/21 7:07:12
Dave was in trouble after openly admitting that he'd once been in the cubs.
23/05/21 7:00:43
I prefer birds who are goers.
21/05/21 7:01:23
Dirty Dancing
14/05/21 7:00:07
"I thought I'd be the host for a change."
12/05/21 7:00:18
"Don't smile, please."
09/05/21 19:18:34
"I opened the fridge and almost had a stroke."
08/05/21 7:23:03
"Get ready for sea, sun and hopefully a cockatoo."
01/05/21 7:09:01
A previously constipated ant shows off his enormous log.
30/04/21 7:00:53
Nobody puts a baby elephant in the corner.
29/04/21 19:01:25
I use Baby Bio.
28/04/21 11:02:58
That footwear looks totally unsuitable.
24/04/21 8:16:46
Palm son day
21/04/21 11:05:41
Wait till the baby starts scrawling.
16/04/21 19:17:59
Grammar Police find a large colon in anon's repertoire, barely used.
16/04/21 7:00:25
The Postwoman also wrings twice.
14/04/21 11:12:21
"I wanted pictures of Prince Charles!""I thought you said 'Prints of whales.'"
13/04/21 13:05:38
Guaranteed to be a number 2 hit.
13/04/21 7:01:43
08/04/21 9:59:31
There's never a dike around when you need one.
30/03/21 19:30:23
Police are drafted in to investigate reported sightings of a bank in the high street. Both horses wanted to make a large deposit.
30/03/21 7:21:11
Another busy day at Tristan da Cunha's mail sorting office.
27/03/21 8:02:03
"Hey, get out of the whey!"
16/03/21 8:04:43
To be honest, bit disappointed with these topless birds.
15/03/21 20:01:25
"One or two are looking a bit green.""Best not to mention skin colour.."
10/03/21 20:08:05
Shock and awwww
10/03/21 8:04:01
"There's no need to tell people I'm going through the change."
06/03/21 20:12:17
Dave's waiting in the lobby.
05/03/21 8:27:13
"How many pounds did he weigh in at?"
27/02/21 20:09:20
My wife insisted on having a bird box in the garden. As a lover of tits, I concurred.
26/02/21 20:31:10
I do love a beautifully fragrant lady garden.
24/02/21 8:21:13
She shrubs up well.
24/02/21 8:07:55
"My pants are hot and smelly.""Same here."
18/02/21 20:00:57
"Yes, but it is gluten free?" cooed the Trafalgar square.
15/02/21 8:34:34
Now that's what I call a wide birth.
10/02/21 20:00:33
"A shampoo and setter, please."
09/02/21 12:04:43
Also known as Jerk Chicken
08/02/21 12:02:44
Efforts to increase vaccines appear to be in vein.
05/02/21 8:10:14
She later complained of wringing in her ears.
03/02/21 12:04:59
"Don't you just hate it when people put their cox in your beer?"
30/01/21 8:00:22
"That's it, hands on head. Irish stew in the name of the law."
26/01/21 12:01:45
"I'm not really bothered that hairdressers are closed."
22/01/21 20:03:35
"These days I've got time to read Warren Peace."
22/01/21 12:07:48
"Don't forget your 1.00 pm Zoo meeting."
16/01/21 12:43:34
Ignorance is bliss
07/01/21 20:05:01
Who doesn't like to go out with a bang?
02/01/21 20:02:20
Said Chas.
30/12/20 8:47:43
"Please can I have my ball back?""No."
11/12/20 12:05:33
07/12/20 20:44:18
The Wurzels were 'ere
03/12/20 20:00:27
"I'll name that tomb.."
02/12/20 20:10:56
Buttlins: kids go free
20/11/20 20:00:06
🎵 Did somebody say Just Eat? 🎵 Copyright 2020 © R Seoul, Korean TV
18/11/20 8:00:28
*Add to basket*
13/11/20 20:00:26
"Ben, I wouldn't kick her out of the flower bed."
07/11/20 12:37:50
Darjeeling's Mr Tea
04/11/20 12:00:37
CCTV in the 70s.
29/10/20 20:04:48
I've always loved watching The Ashes.
26/10/20 20:00:08
"At least we've stopped blubbering."
26/10/20 13:13:27
"He's weed everywhere."
16/10/20 19:04:11
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Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption: "What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption: "Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption: 🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption: I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption: Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption: Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption: Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption:
"Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption:
🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption:
I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption:
Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption:
Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption:
Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]