super vote: ( left this week)
"Excuse me, where's the glove compartment?"
07/12/19 12:04:42
There's always somebody up for a pub crawl.
04/12/19 12:18:00
"Sorry mate, it's too hot to wear a jumper."
03/12/19 20:01:10
Flaming Nora
02/12/19 20:16:03
School's not out just yet..
02/12/19 20:00:42
He's now part of the Daisy chain gang.
29/11/19 12:42:09
"Wow, he's dishy"
24/11/19 20:00:27
Toys Я Gross
21/11/19 12:13:31
Beast from the Yeast
20/11/19 12:03:09
Femur Pitch
20/11/19 8:05:38
Toyz n the Hood
14/11/19 20:28:36
"I've got mine on speed dial."
14/11/19 13:54:29
Minutes later they clashed with an orange tank.
12/11/19 20:13:04
Bible bashers
10/11/19 20:00:11
Police suspect Phaal play.
08/11/19 21:09:53
I thought men were from Mars..
03/11/19 20:32:44
Crowds gather to watch the Giant Gay Pride Conker Championships.(Gulliver is hot favourite.)
02/11/19 8:16:46
ET tu, Brute?
25/10/19 7:14:45
Easter Dubonnet
21/10/19 11:23:11
If it's raining, I wear my iMac.
19/10/19 11:03:51
Dave wondered if it was the strange woman sitting on his knee who had stolen his mouth organ.
15/10/19 7:28:38
"Does a bear knit in the woods?"
13/10/19 19:03:02
That mashed potato's got a couple of lumps in it.
13/10/19 7:16:00
10/10/19 7:24:10
This belongs to the sweet tooth fairy.
07/10/19 10:57:51
"No you can't have another bloody Cornetto"
04/10/19 19:05:37
This was after my wife caught me with a laptop dancer.
04/10/19 7:33:38
My cat's gone off these. She's going through the Menopaws.
02/10/19 11:04:15
"They didn't have any baa mitzvah cards."
02/10/19 7:08:59
I used to find pictures like this quite moving.
01/10/19 7:26:53
Police are still taking notes.
27/09/19 11:20:19
"How can we get it off the car, Elton?""I could try tickling the ivories."
26/09/19 7:22:39
The Chewdors
24/09/19 7:01:20
Diggy paddle
29/08/19 7:30:40
Meals in wheels
27/08/19 19:01:15
This pizza has been withdrawn due to lack of interest.
24/08/19 20:07:14
A seabiscuit too many.
23/08/19 19:39:16
The hole shebang.
22/08/19 19:25:45
Chow chow mein
20/08/19 19:00:28
Lots of fibre certainly makes you go.
17/08/19 20:01:28
You're never too old for a good shag
12/08/19 12:02:14
Watch out for shoppers having a right Barney.
08/08/19 19:35:53 told me to spruce it up.
07/08/19 7:24:12
As she approaches retirement, Molly Malone gets someone else to do the hard work.
05/08/19 7:07:28
It's a flea pit!
31/07/19 19:10:06
A domestic cat.
18/07/19 8:33:59
Wedding sows should be taken seriously
17/07/19 13:13:59
Jolly Roger Federer
17/07/19 7:06:29
One of the Chippendales
08/07/19 19:00:46
Not many guys would stand up for him.
03/07/19 7:03:02
Fancy dressage
01/07/19 19:03:15
Simon Cowell just gets ruder.
29/06/19 11:04:32
Is the strength of the pound weakening against the Euro?
23/06/19 7:31:33
"I'm not eating that.""Is it cos it is black?"
20/06/19 19:11:46
Sandals Resorts - see our all inclusive holiday packages
18/06/19 19:00:25
The heaviest Spice Girls, Hairy and Mosh.
09/06/19 19:27:01
Kylie has lost her hair extensions but police are combing the area.
05/06/19 19:42:50
The Danish Girl
31/05/19 21:18:21
They've got the painters in.
30/05/19 11:00:41
🎵 Stick it in the family albumen
28/05/19 11:00:18
BBC2 tonight, 9.00 pm - Bongs of Praise
27/05/19 19:01:20
There used to be a green man on this crossing.
25/05/19 9:06:07
"Sorry, I have a short attention span."
24/05/19 11:48:17
He looks well groomed.
21/05/19 19:01:31
"Why were you so long at the shops, nephew?" moaned his cross aunt.
20/05/19 11:09:15
"Esso S"
18/05/19 7:00:08
Oz has shortest queues for heart transplants.
10/05/19 7:06:52
"Sh*t! Look at all those fire engines over there!"
09/05/19 20:07:51
Knight terrors
09/05/19 11:48:19
Ready for The Italian Job
02/05/19 11:08:43
Lots of people would enjoy a knee-trembler with a marine
01/05/19 7:22:43
Warren Peace
20/04/19 19:00:41
The problem with freezing men is remembering to reach one out three hours before you want one.
20/04/19 11:38:36
Bridget Jones's Dairy
17/04/19 11:08:38
The Big Gangbang Theory
09/04/19 11:01:43
"Ignore gran. She's at that funny espionage."
08/04/19 11:07:52
They're stuck in turd gear
07/04/19 19:09:07
"These imported Nicorette patches are crap."
03/04/19 19:04:05
He might need to have that addernoid removed.
23/03/19 21:32:36
It was unfortunate that they were all vegan and therefore unable to eat the elephant in the room.
11/03/19 12:08:29
Banana Republican
08/03/19 12:50:31
Brian wet himself in excitement at having discovered the world's largest glacier mint.
07/03/19 12:06:52
Nuclear family time.
06/03/19 12:20:05
🎵 Never gonna give you up 🎵
03/03/19 20:42:06
Smog Marry Avoid?
03/03/19 20:01:41
I prefer octopus in boots
02/03/19 9:59:47
George was enjoying his retyrement.
20/02/19 12:00:07
They were feeling pressure in the temples.
19/02/19 20:38:34
07/02/19 20:42:10
"I'm sorry, but cox size does matter."
24/01/19 20:00:11
Old buoy racer.
13/01/19 12:00:19
Jester Piggott
08/01/19 20:01:42
You need a massive flag to cover that ugly erection.
07/01/19 20:03:46
"I hope he'll take down our particulars."
07/01/19 8:08:30
Carpus Christi
06/01/19 20:07:48
01/01/19 12:00:08
It needs a jump start.
29/12/18 8:06:21
Some people are desperate to catch the bouquet at weddings.
28/12/18 8:06:10
Sphere anxiety
26/12/18 8:37:43
🎵 God rest ye hairy gentleman 🎵
24/12/18 8:03:15
581 - 590 571 - 580 561 - 570 551 - 560 541 - 550 531 - 540 521 - 530 511 - 520 501 - 510 491 - 500 481 - 490 471 - 480 461 - 470 451 - 460 441 - 450 431 - 440 421 - 430 411 - 420 401 - 410 391 - 400 381 - 390 371 - 380 361 - 370 351 - 360 341 - 350 331 - 340 321 - 330 311 - 320 301 - 310 291 - 300 281 - 290 271 - 280 261 - 270 251 - 260 241 - 250 231 - 240 221 - 230 211 - 220 201 - 210 191 - 200 181 - 190 171 - 180 161 - 170 151 - 160 141 - 150 131 - 140 121 - 130 111 - 120 101 - 110 91 - 100 81 - 90 71 - 80 61 - 70 51 - 60 41 - 50 31 - 40 21 - 30 11 - 20 1 - 10 1 - 0
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption: "What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption: "Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption: 🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption: I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption: Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption: Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption: Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption:
"Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption:
🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption:
I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption:
Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption:
Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption:
Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]