super vote: ( left this week)
Snake prostitution is rife as we witness yet another serpent on the game.
12/02/22 12:18:12
He always bites the Postman's ring twice
08/02/22 20:13:28
"Waitress - I'm curious about this 'Toad in the hole' offer?"
04/02/22 8:07:07
Call me a creature of habit, but I just love a Pooh each morning.
02/02/22 8:06:45
Carbon dating
28/01/22 20:15:12
The Van Gogh tribute act in the audience had tried to superglue his ear back on.
27/01/22 20:04:22
"I'm just casing the joint."
27/01/22 12:11:40
Busby Babes
26/01/22 8:00:09
♪ For sneeze a jolly good fellow
24/01/22 20:06:28
"Dave, did I mention I've got the painters in?"
20/01/22 20:02:13
Man over board!
19/01/22 12:17:43
When Paul McCartney left Wings.
18/01/22 8:15:18
Avid train spotter Dave was left feeling a little disappointed.
14/01/22 20:20:50
Twelfth Night marks the coming of the Maggie.
11/01/22 20:03:08
Too many swallows
09/01/22 20:09:55
"One day we hope she'll give up, but that's just a pipe dream."
09/01/22 13:51:18
In Tudor times children were often stretched on the rack for minor things such as singing Greensleeves out of tune. Dave Tudor is pictured here with a young Anne Boleyn who had an extra Cadburys finger.
08/01/22 20:44:40
"Hmmmm, I'm gonna lick you and cover you in sauce"Bill's wife was glad to have a day off.
07/01/22 8:19:04
"My darling, I've grown quite attached to you"
04/01/22 20:14:47
Even elephants get slippers as Christmas presents.
03/01/22 20:09:28
Maybe that's why the presents are all labelled 'From Russia With Love'
30/12/21 21:01:41
In January he's often Left out in the cold.
30/12/21 20:16:11
Insurers say he's got a 100 pound excess.
26/12/21 20:03:48
"Are you sure you need a jar that size for your wiener?"
26/12/21 12:04:39
Spice rack
25/12/21 8:00:46
Turd world problems.
17/12/21 12:00:57
"Wait! When I asked how many you'd pulled off today, I meant beers!"
17/12/21 8:06:01
Mouse trap
11/12/21 8:14:38
Cow & Gate
10/12/21 8:00:09
I do wish Gulliver would dispose of his pubic hair in a proper manner.
03/12/21 8:06:20
Boris confirms that flights to Australia will soon be out of bounds.
28/11/21 8:09:44
"Sorry Mum, got legless last night.."
27/11/21 12:05:03
Love conkers all
24/11/21 12:00:46
Bill was knackered after spending all day in Dunelm buying cushions and a rather unconvincing reproduction of the Bayeux Tapestry.
20/11/21 20:00:41
Alpaca'd for the honeymoon?
17/11/21 12:00:13
"We're late for the concert and I want to get pasta - can we go by road?""Sorry, it's canal only"
17/11/21 8:32:49
Toys R Ussr
16/11/21 20:04:23
Donkey brothel
15/11/21 20:00:14
He keeps bigging himself up. Thinks he's Sir Francis Drake.
13/11/21 12:03:58
She'll soon wipe the smile off your face.
12/11/21 8:05:12
That reminds me, I need stuffing.
09/11/21 20:34:24
Survival of the fattest.
09/11/21 8:04:39
"That's it you b@stard, next year it'll be trick not treat"
07/11/21 8:17:59
"Wait till you see our knitted crotchless knickers!"
06/11/21 20:09:56
A coaching inn.
05/11/21 20:09:11
Sadly for Dave, not even the squirrels were interested in his nuts.
29/10/21 19:44:21
"Shall we pop home for a little afternoon tea light?"
27/10/21 7:01:48
Sects on the beach.
23/10/21 19:17:59
Unfortunately the receivers came in and pulled the plug.
09/10/21 19:21:09
Chancellor of the Eggs Checker
07/10/21 11:28:02
Sister Wendy enjoys her own Renaissance.
03/10/21 11:00:50
PG Tits
02/10/21 19:07:32
I asked my boyfriend to dress smarter. He refused.
28/09/21 11:02:37
Fountain of youths
25/09/21 19:06:09
He always lands on his feet.
24/09/21 19:51:53
"Round here you've got to earn your keeper."
23/09/21 19:00:58
"Sorry, I just want a Silent Night."
22/09/21 19:06:46
"I can hear knocking"
22/09/21 11:30:05
Something for the weak end, sir?
22/09/21 7:08:52
"And for dessert I've got you one of those apple pies that get ferociously hot when microwaved.."
19/09/21 19:17:58
Where would football be without supporters?
18/09/21 19:08:45
Canine Hungry Hungry Hippos Champion
13/09/21 19:04:54
"See, they eat mashed potato!"
10/09/21 7:12:59
"Damn! I forgot to buy some Nimble"
08/09/21 11:19:22
"Sorry Sir, but you're a liar and a cheetah.."
07/09/21 19:00:15
"Anyone fancy a game of bridge?"
31/08/21 20:01:06
Five minutes later they were laughing all the way to the bank.
30/08/21 19:54:15
On Golden Shot Pond
28/08/21 11:01:21
Beko boo!
11/08/21 7:22:31
"Dad, I think I need to lay a brick."
09/08/21 7:46:09
Caught napping.
04/08/21 11:39:05
"Ah, that's where I left my favourite tea towel."
03/08/21 19:02:14
"It's not my fault if you ate all your lunch at breakfast time."
31/07/21 7:32:32
Byker Grover
24/07/21 7:49:49
Some people are just paw losers.
19/07/21 19:07:49
Undercover sniffer puppy meets his first pusher.
16/07/21 19:08:10
Keep the kids amused whilst you pop out for a few pints of your own.
16/07/21 7:06:27
Mission Impossible: Doing housework after you've painted your nails.
15/07/21 19:19:17
And so sadly red squirrels became extinct - just like that.
15/07/21 19:00:35
Meet my inflatable boyfriend. Shame the valve was so small, took me ages to blow him up.
17/06/21 19:20:01
Unfortunately, the ball deodorants were not as effective.
14/02/25 8:12:57
"No thanks Dave, I don't want to see your snatch."
31/01/25 8:11:06
The Forrest Gump Reenactment Society
16/01/25 20:06:13
"I need your clothes, your boots and your laptops. I'm a bit of an Excel Bully."
09/01/25 20:17:49
"I do wish you'd stop playing with my novelty draught excluder" complained Gulliver.
03/01/25 8:05:01
"Luckily, I've got no flies in these tights."
02/01/25 20:09:23
"Hello, is that the AA? I think my car's been drinking again."
28/12/24 20:08:13
"Special delivery for 4 Boding Avenue."
27/12/24 8:24:35
The paws that refreshes
20/12/24 8:02:12
Remember to wear a sheaf for protection.
18/12/24 8:03:51
She was accosted by some prick with a fork.
27/11/24 8:02:32
For those special Martial Farts.
24/11/24 20:02:54
I'd like to give the authors the index finger.
23/11/24 8:17:46
The top is Fairy non-bio.
13/11/24 20:04:08
Large mail attachment
06/11/24 8:06:01
Several firms have noticed a big dipper in sales.
05/11/24 20:02:30
They're off to Benidorm for a Hindu.
29/10/24 20:07:31
🎵 Polly Put the Kettle Crisps On
29/10/24 8:07:49
This is probably why Elton John is still standing.
26/10/24 11:27:11
She soon had an ankle biter with her Wimpy boyfriend.
25/10/24 7:09:43
581 - 590 571 - 580 561 - 570 551 - 560 541 - 550 531 - 540 521 - 530 511 - 520 501 - 510 491 - 500 481 - 490 471 - 480 461 - 470 451 - 460 441 - 450 431 - 440 421 - 430 411 - 420 401 - 410 391 - 400 381 - 390 371 - 380 361 - 370 351 - 360 341 - 350 331 - 340 321 - 330 311 - 320 301 - 310 291 - 300 281 - 290 271 - 280 261 - 270 251 - 260 241 - 250 231 - 240 221 - 230 211 - 220 201 - 210 191 - 200 181 - 190 171 - 180 161 - 170 151 - 160 141 - 150 131 - 140 121 - 130 111 - 120 101 - 110 91 - 100 81 - 90 71 - 80 61 - 70 51 - 60 41 - 50 31 - 40 21 - 30 11 - 20 1 - 10 1 - 0
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption: "What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption: "Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption: 🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption: I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption: Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption: Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption: Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption:
"Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption:
🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption:
I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption:
Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption:
Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption:
Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]