super vote: ( left this week)
They've been friends for years, but the cracks are beginning to show.
15/07/24 11:01:50
Get out quick and no fannying around.
12/07/24 19:01:47
"I'm so glad I didn't have an extermination."
30/06/24 19:01:49
*Sigh*. Just one Mr Wright would have done.
26/06/24 19:08:22
"Don't you just love these invisible maracas?"
22/06/24 19:11:06
"Order, order!""Ok, I'll have the spare ribs."
27/05/24 19:10:42
Multiple dump trucks are heading this way.
24/05/24 7:18:01
Meanwhile, irate drivers report yet more potty holes.
24/05/24 7:03:42
Sundae driver
18/05/24 7:31:15
Typical stag do. Left naked in a field, miles away from home.
27/04/24 19:10:01
"Senna? Yes, I took some before the race."
20/04/24 7:08:59
Try thinking outside the lunchbox.
13/04/24 7:08:12
On the hunt for cereal killers.
10/02/24 20:03:00
Dave only knows one way of making a woman wet.
02/11/23 20:20:52
Some people should be doing porridge.
30/10/23 20:19:37
🎵 I always feel like my oven's watching me 🎵
26/09/23 20:09:32
Photo bombing.
12/08/23 19:26:26
"Tracey in accounts keeps shitting everywhere. She needs more training."
09/08/23 7:17:00
You don't realise until you go through airport arrivals how many people are called 159.
16/06/23 19:06:18
Christmas Eve.
14/05/23 19:00:27
"Have you got any ID on you?""No, but I've been served herbivore."
13/05/23 19:31:10
It started off as a small stool but just got bigger.
02/05/23 14:09:42
"Anyone for chilly sauce?"
12/04/23 19:01:53
"Hmm...strange. The satnav said bear left."
07/03/23 8:44:48
River Banksy strikes again.
27/02/23 20:08:35
Does that mean no access to Uranus?
01/02/23 8:00:11
A stationery car.
17/01/23 20:00:11
No-one told Julia she had lost her yo-yo two miles ago.
07/01/23 20:04:43
However, in the library setting we would prefer you to stick to the silent but deadly type.
16/11/22 8:05:49
I still prefer the 70s favourite, Chicken in a basket.
15/11/22 8:21:10
Every griddle helps.
15/11/22 8:00:48
"Sorry lads, the Andrex puppy nicked all the paper."
11/11/22 8:05:29
Grandma Torino
27/10/22 19:08:46
No doubt made in Chian.
01/09/22 7:00:19
"Waiter, what's this dragon doing in my food?""Not sure sir, is it the salsa?"
05/08/22 11:41:04
It just won't flush down.
28/07/22 11:01:31
Chute to kill
06/07/22 19:00:17
He's having a meltdown.
25/05/22 7:05:27
Who wouldn't be tired after being ridden all night?
24/05/22 19:05:43
A face only a moth could love.
24/05/22 7:03:51
"Wait - I'm not on the pill!""Don't worry - we're both Middle Aged."
14/05/22 11:25:56
For once captioneers are left stumped as to the whereabouts of the pussycat.
11/05/22 19:12:21
When kids need to spend a penny farthing.
08/03/22 12:00:11
Pork shops
26/01/22 8:30:23
This is a picture of a polar bear in a massive bowl of rice pudding snorting cocaine.
25/01/22 12:05:23
They never knew their father. Their mother kept them in the dark.
19/01/22 20:22:13
Uri Geller's hometown.
06/01/22 20:56:19
After Dave ran off with a flamingo, his wife decided toucan play that game.
01/01/22 8:29:43
Life in a goldfish bowl is not so much fun once you've eaten the occupants.
14/12/21 20:39:00
He announced he's biceptual.
10/12/21 20:01:49
More crap jewellery from Ratner's... available for a limited period
07/12/21 20:13:54
"It Handel's quite well"
17/11/21 8:09:09
Diaper Another Day
12/11/21 8:14:23
I think the parents should be charged.
20/10/21 7:09:09
Gulliver prosecuted for careless disposal of paperclips.
27/09/21 19:08:37
"Well I did promise your mum I'd do some vacuuming.."
09/09/21 19:00:40
When you love someone enough to give them your last Strepsil
31/08/21 7:22:41
♪ I heard it through the grapevine
27/08/21 19:05:13
Steiffel Tower
05/08/21 11:10:50
03/08/21 7:01:07
Somebody's had too many scraps.
30/07/21 7:02:36
A wireless mouse
19/06/21 12:16:32
By Johnson & Johnson Ltd
16/06/21 19:00:08
People in IT are a strange bunch
21/05/21 11:00:11
Doggy style just wasn't doing it for Tiddles.
07/05/21 7:19:20
Adam Ant's courier service: Stand and Deliver
30/04/21 7:08:44
Who ate JR?
12/04/21 19:18:54
You're welcome. Wham! didn't want mine.
11/04/21 19:05:13
Bill Board
27/02/21 20:02:34
Leave her to stew in her own deuce.
26/02/21 13:01:54
And the winner of "Who has got the fewest teeth?" is...
23/02/21 20:00:48
He thinks he's a superhero with his capon.
08/02/21 12:09:31
"I ordered mewsli."
29/01/21 20:19:24
Somebody's had too many Jar Jars
27/01/21 12:11:34
🎵 You take the high road and I'll take merlot road 🎵
23/01/21 12:14:35
Calvin Declines
19/01/21 9:36:26
Every donkey's favourite TV soap.
16/01/21 20:00:09
For Absolute Beginners.
11/01/21 20:00:08
Bambi's best friend was a bible-thumper.
06/12/20 20:12:20
Childbearing Barbie 20% off plus free delivery
26/11/20 20:01:24
The daily grind.
03/10/20 19:11:31
Anna Bolic and her sister, Sham.
26/09/20 7:03:48
Vroom with a view
08/09/20 19:01:35
"Crikey! It stinks of bush."
07/09/20 19:29:42
A full report can be seen on News at Ten after the bongs.
01/09/20 7:04:18
I always hang round the bouncers when I go clubbing.
30/08/20 19:11:44
"She's a vintage model and still goes.""That's no way to speak about your grandma."
29/08/20 11:12:53
"Careful! Prince Philip's behi-.."
29/08/20 11:01:27
As Simon Cowell would say, you can't carry a tuna.
23/08/20 11:05:39
"I've not practiced for a while but it still gives me a buzz."
07/08/20 7:05:37
"What's your handicap?""My arms are a bit short."
05/08/20 19:21:45
"How many players has he eaten today?""Fore!"
05/08/20 19:14:27
At least up there they don't have to listen to Cliff Richard droning on.
24/07/20 12:15:43
Young Dave's face covering is cutting edge.
21/07/20 7:03:00
"I was rather hoping for a massage in a brothel."
15/07/20 19:02:04
"You're driving me in Seine."
14/07/20 19:00:19
Jeremy Fissure
11/07/20 11:06:01
Prince Philip goes into self-isolation.
20/06/20 7:10:10
"Take me to the seedy part of town."
17/06/20 7:05:36
The perfect disguise for lockdown Cummings and goings.
25/05/20 19:00:13
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Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption: "What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption: "Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption: 🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption: I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption: Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption: Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption: Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]
Vanessa kindly made a large deposit into the 2024 Dave Awards fund! Much appreciated, Vanessa!
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
This was no bog-standard caption, Vanessa! Congratulations.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Well done Vanessa - really good captions again from you last month. And nice one for your donation too
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
Splendid caption Vanessa! hearing you'd won was like music to my rear.
comment on caption:
"What's the frequency?" "Well, at least once a day." [Vanessa the Guesser]
It's the biggest (asp?) I've ever seen.
comment on caption:
"Does my asp look big in this?" [Vanessa the Guesser]
Lorena Bobbitt's daughter, on the left.
comment on caption:
🎵 Working nine to Fyffe 🎵 [Vanessa the Guesser]
She must be - how else would her Tena pad stay in place?
comment on caption:
I'd still check whether she's wearing knickers or not. [Vanessa the Guesser]
It wouldn't surprise me if they got marrowed.
comment on caption:
Romancing the Bone [Vanessa the Guesser]
Marco Pool-o?
comment on caption:
Buoy racer [Vanessa the Guesser]
And here I thought, only 'old' potatoes grew big eyes on them.
comment on caption:
Look at the eyes on these couch potatoes. [Vanessa the Guesser]