super vote: ( left this week)
"I'll give you a fighting chance"
03/02/22 9:27:21
Women, eh? Enough to drive a man to drink."
02/02/22 20:50:10
"Okay, Dave, we want kippers for dinner or I release the gas."
01/02/22 20:06:58
She was really looking forward to jumping his bones but she needed him to make the first move
01/02/22 8:22:24
"What, Mummy? Doesn't the colour suit me?"
30/01/22 8:16:50
"That was fun, waddle we do next?"
28/01/22 20:31:36
"Very nice but let's go and find some sun, flower."
20/01/22 20:27:26
'Oops! I've just made my own special mustard for this one.'
04/01/22 8:05:04
One pound fish. Come on, ladies.
30/12/21 8:27:42
...and there's the proof that someone tiptoed with her through the tulips
29/12/21 12:09:50
Is he, or isn't he?
24/12/21 12:37:21
"Still sporting that hairdo? You must be off your rocker, Billy."
24/12/21 12:08:47
Life on Mars
17/12/21 20:10:16
"Another 150 to acquire and we'll have 365 - one for every day of the year.""What about leap years?""Don't be silly."
12/12/21 13:33:35
... and look! She's got a 'type'.
10/12/21 20:14:06
Rubbish place - it's gone to pot
06/12/21 20:19:54
"MUMMY! The baby's got a big dent in its head."
25/11/21 20:32:25
To be frank, it's the only way Dave could get his leg over a nice pussy.
24/11/21 8:55:29
21/11/21 20:52:26
A good time was had by wall.
20/11/21 13:47:37
Let us make headset stands from your pets. Contact us: Taxidermied Pets R Us.
19/11/21 16:29:04
It was all done in one sitting
13/11/21 8:07:08
"Go on, Grandad. Take your jumper off."
11/11/21 8:03:42
🎵 Lav's got the World in Motions 🎵(Nod to myself 12.45.37)
05/11/21 13:07:03
Everyone agrees Ken's lady friend is an absolute doll
28/10/21 11:11:45
Surely this morning she'd notice he's well hung
26/10/21 7:35:05
The Brobdingnagian Hummingbird finds its third leg useful for performing rectal examinations.
21/10/21 7:57:31
"Calm yourselves, ladies, this is only the rehearsal. Just wait 'til tonight when I'm wearing my glittery thong."
06/10/21 19:33:21
"This year if Lady Carmichael-Quintrell arrives at Ascot wearing the same outfit, one will simply eat one's hat!"
05/10/21 14:13:23
Carmel before the storm
05/10/21 7:22:57
"Do you think we should just call a plumber?"
04/10/21 19:30:43
"It's a good job you didn't want a buzz cut coz the wife's just cutting the lawn"
04/10/21 7:34:32
"Oh, for goodness' sake, David... WILL YOU SPEAK UP?"
03/10/21 8:21:44
"Say 'Squeeze'."
02/10/21 20:53:35
"Kid, look in the sewing box for a couple of brown buttons please."
18/09/21 8:18:18
Lovin' the freedom, best thing ever this unleaded.
23/08/21 19:01:02
"Don't be silly, girls, skyscrapers sway in the wind. This is exciting and a lot cheaper than going to Alton Towers."
17/08/21 13:34:37
Miss's Slippy Mud Pie
16/08/21 11:39:27
"I'm surprised neither of them could find a pair of socks without holes."
30/07/21 10:08:16
"Hmm, says here 'You Are What You Eat'. So what's that make me then...? How RUDE!"
28/07/21 7:15:56
"This one tried to get away, Sarge. The men, women, maids, some fowl characters are in the van. All arrested for causing a riot in The Pear Tree."
26/07/21 11:34:48
"Having my facial hair bleached was one of my rasher decisions."
25/07/21 12:19:26
"Hmm, it's a bit tight. Do you have the next size up?"
22/07/21 20:50:20
The painter was having Olaf
17/07/21 7:49:32
"Get your face on straight, love, or you'll be left on the shelf."
17/07/21 7:15:52
"Just look at your father over there. He's so embarrassing, sniffing around that bitch again."
16/07/21 19:04:11
Staging is well underway for the Malibu Ironing Man Challenge(Nod to 12:13:41)
13/07/21 15:45:52
In a worrying trend more young gulls are having cosmetic procedures. Jonathan L Seagull IV commented: "Humans seem to hate us nowadays. We just want to give them a big smile before we share their food."
10/07/21 12:12:00
"Don't bother trying to pick them up, they've already been pulled."
25/06/21 12:10:35
"I HEARD THAT! Which one of you just whispered 'smoothie'?"
20/06/21 19:53:43
-"PLANE!"-"Hahaha, yes love, this is a plane."
12/06/21 19:23:04
Brad used to work in hair commercials. In fact he was quite a big wig.
11/06/21 19:47:42
Yep, he's definitely covered his bald patch well.
30/12/24 12:22:44
🎵 Sloth down, you move too fast 🎵
25/12/24 20:31:17
16/12/24 8:17:58
"Can you thin it out for me? It's a bugger to get a comb through."
03/12/24 8:31:45
Oh oh! I muscovado one too many last night!
23/11/24 12:12:25
"Do you have any with Velcro fastening?"
22/11/24 20:14:06
'Bella, Luna, Princess, Sasha, Lola, Barbara, Ebony, Fluffy, Ginger, Jazz, Whiskers, Mittens, Kitty, Kat, Tigger, Sabrina, Sheba, Tina... Four pages of Birth Announcements!'
21/11/24 8:41:54
"This move we call the 'Catch the Fly on the Window'... Dave, stretch out those claws."
16/11/24 13:43:51
🎵 Give me all your lovin', all your bugs and nanas too
16/11/24 8:42:12
Music on a fruit loop.
15/11/24 9:37:42, edited: 15/11/24 10:52:35
...and next they did pair o' wets.
14/11/24 13:30:41
She's a bit of a wall flower but she knows how to conduct herself.
11/11/24 8:22:25, edited: 11/11/24 8:40:58
"We'll stop in a minute, Jim. You must be getting stiff."
04/11/24 20:11:45
"DAVE! You were supposed to tell me when to stop.""Oops, sorry. Just got to post this caption."
03/11/24 8:07:06
multi storey parking
03/11/24 8:03:29
"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a cottage industry."
01/11/24 8:05:53, edited: 01/11/24 8:06:11
"Oh the larks we used to have in the stationery department."
31/10/24 20:12:28
Calls for belted seats on broomsticks following serious incident on the W1 route as learner rider accidentally activates 'Turbo' speed.
27/10/24 12:23:19
This was a moment before Superman stuck out his thumb and accidentally punched the bus into the opposite lane.
22/10/24 7:30:36
On display in the Tater Modern
14/10/24 20:09:14
Bank with us. We help you save.
11/10/24 11:02:46
"Ow! Please leave me to do the caterwauling."
10/10/24 7:03:06
"Our new neighbour's really creepy."
07/10/24 7:14:48
Although Miss Piggy was looking very alluring she wasn't being paid any interest.
27/09/24 19:18:27
"Tonight on Pop Star Addicts we look into the seedy supply chain to...Harry Styles."
27/09/24 11:36:17
'FFS it looks nothing like me', mused Smokey, from under the ladder. 'He's hurt my felines.'
23/09/24 12:28:52
"Yes, we are Scottish. How did you know?"
21/09/24 11:52:40
"It was easy, I just nibbled all the marzipan pieces to fit. Would you like a slice?"
18/09/24 19:53:26
Clearly they've been in a bed together.
17/09/24 12:50:40
"A giant cat...? You've got to be kitten' me."
15/09/24 7:36:31
"Breakfast's ready! Hop to it!"
09/09/24 7:24:59
He hit it at full tilt
03/09/24 7:15:48
Inside it's warm as toast
01/09/24 7:18:39
"Hmm, is that Brute cologne you're wearing?"
30/08/24 7:42:14
Nor is this a sidewalk
29/08/24 11:11:58
"Mirror, mirror on the the wall, who is the pug-ugliest of us all?"
26/08/24 11:20:52
"Right, lads, those English pussies won't have had their creamy porridge so we'll have to show 'em how to toss this caber."
25/08/24 13:02:32
Croc monsieur
21/08/24 19:10:28
"Sanctuary!" squawked Quasimodo
17/08/24 7:13:05
"It's very tempting but I'm put off by the bad spelling. 'Burgalur' should have an 'E' on the end."
14/08/24 7:43:18
"I give the local kids a few choccies and if they see anybody suspicious they hide behind a bush and scream 'Ding-a-ling-aling, ding-a-ling-aling', works a treat."
14/08/24 7:14:20
"So, Mr Allen, you're concerned about your compulsive habit of dusting off your thigh.""Yes, but please call me Dave."
11/08/24 8:11:11
"One cheeseburger, no burger, no bun."
01/08/24 11:03:50, edited: 01/08/24 13:21:30
Got the ladies lining up wall-to-wall, Russ?
27/07/24 7:16:47
Sir Topham-Catt caught sleeping on the job
24/07/24 7:05:54
The Phantome Menace
22/07/24 7:03:51
"...and now Dave will perform his ballasting act."
21/07/24 12:33:51
"It's so annoying when a couple of plonkers spoil your selfie."
Tue 20:13:17
301 - 310 291 - 300 281 - 290 271 - 280 261 - 270 251 - 260 241 - 250 231 - 240 221 - 230 211 - 220 201 - 210 191 - 200 181 - 190 171 - 180 161 - 170 151 - 160 141 - 150 131 - 140 121 - 130 111 - 120 101 - 110 91 - 100 81 - 90 71 - 80 61 - 70 51 - 60 41 - 50 31 - 40 21 - 30 11 - 20 1 - 10 1 - 0
They are GRRR-E-A-A-A-A-T!
comment on caption: They're the cat's pyjamas [Vivvy En]
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the highway...
comment on caption: Council requires photographic evidence to stem flood of pothole damage claims [Vivvy En]
"Probably, I always seem to get pregnant in March."
comment on caption: "Might you be pregnant, Tina?" [Vivvy En]
Monday's child is Fair Isle of face.
comment on caption: Ugly kids? Problem solved. [Vivvy En]
"Yes... but you must promise NOT to eat the cleaner, this time."
comment on caption: "So I've definitely got the dishwashing job then?" [Vivvy En]
I'm too late on this one, but might've gone with "Despicable YE"
comment on caption: Strange a tire [Vivvy En]
"No... Pikachu'te."
comment on caption: Russell? [Vivvy En]
Indeed, X is a load of shit.
comment on caption: X [Vivvy En]
No buried treasure then Molly? 😂
Thanks for the double edit, Steve. I like the second version much better. I was sitting here staring at the picture as Himself walked past. I asked him if he had an ideas and he said 'What the...'. I said 'Yeah, that'll do, thanks'. LOL
comment on caption: WATTF! [Vivvy En]
They are GRRR-E-A-A-A-A-T!
comment on caption:
They're the cat's pyjamas [Vivvy En]
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the highway...
comment on caption:
Council requires photographic evidence to stem flood of pothole damage claims [Vivvy En]
"Probably, I always seem to get pregnant in March."
comment on caption:
"Might you be pregnant, Tina?" [Vivvy En]
Monday's child is Fair Isle of face.
comment on caption:
Ugly kids? Problem solved. [Vivvy En]
"Yes... but you must promise NOT to eat the cleaner, this time."
comment on caption:
"So I've definitely got the dishwashing job then?" [Vivvy En]
I'm too late on this one, but might've gone with "Despicable YE"
comment on caption:
Strange a tire [Vivvy En]
"No... Pikachu'te."
comment on caption:
Russell? [Vivvy En]
Indeed, X is a load of shit.
comment on caption:
X [Vivvy En]
No buried treasure then Molly? 😂
comment on caption:
X [Vivvy En]
Thanks for the double edit, Steve. I like the second version much better. I was sitting here staring at the picture as Himself walked past. I asked him if he had an ideas and he said 'What the...'. I said 'Yeah, that'll do, thanks'. LOL
comment on caption:
WATTF! [Vivvy En]