Wow!! Cheers for the kind comments, everyone, and especially to Paul (the Finder), and to James, John L, and Glad (the generous Super-voters) as well as Vincent for his early praise. So many great captions this past month! I feel sorry to have pip... --Crunchy Chords
Challenge accepted, Julia.🎵 “It's not entirely my faultMy songs sound like gargled phlegmI'm trying to sing from music notesThat have a backward stem." 🎵Anyone else want to have a go? --Crunchy Chords
I was too slow putting on my Poppins caption but I think yours could stay considering how obvious Poppins is and your caption was great. --Stephen Bean
Pfft.. only shades I could get. Can't be cool, with all these flower-power hippy types. As a seedling, I dreamed of heading a gang of opium poppies. --Mauris Iocus
("Using the second O in OBOE, I can take advantage of the triple letter score: 7 points.")
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"I know just where to put
this," thought Old MacDonald. [Crunchy Chords]
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Deja poo: that strange feeling that you've eaten this sh*tty food before. [Crunchy Chords]
Shallow we get out?
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Shallows [Crunchy Chords]
Nod, of course, to
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"Hello hello hello, what's this then? No headlights... fifty quid. No tail lights... fifty quid. No turn indicators... fifty quid."
"No silencer... fifty quid...."
[Crunchy Chords]
That is sound parenting makes me feel that they could have been excellent parents too if they hadn't been staying at Camp Crystal.
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"I love you, Davey! Let's make some babies and be the hippest parents ever!"
"Yes! You can photograph me as I teach them to sit on a hot stove, drink beer, and buy guns!"
"Yes! And then I'll use it to get full custody!"
"Yes! Wait, what?"
[Crunchy Chords]
Perhaps someone should have told you which way round the board goes (white square in the right hand corner).
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"When I left you, I was but the learner.
Now I am the Grandmaster." [Crunchy Chords]
Didn't have the common sense to get one of those tin foil hats on? Supposedly they stop people from reading your mind.
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"Your thoughts betray you, young one."
"Oi, no mind reading, that's cheating." [Crunchy Chords]
Better act quickly before the subject gets dropped
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"Well, well, well. I suddenly find
myself in a unique negotiating situation."
[Crunchy Chords]
Good for necking.
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"I don't know what she sees in him."
"Three words: Very. Long. Tongue." [Crunchy Chords]
Iss Ukrainian skam perpetrated by Joe Biden and his son Beau.
comment on caption:
Comes with audio instructions:
"Plleasse to insert kredit kard and enterink date of birth and NIN, iss not Russian skam." [Crunchy Chords]