Wow!! Cheers for the kind comments, everyone, and especially to Paul (the Finder), and to James, John L, and Glad (the generous Super-voters) as well as Vincent for his early praise. So many great captions this past month! I feel sorry to have pip... --Crunchy Chords
Challenge accepted, Julia.🎵 “It's not entirely my faultMy songs sound like gargled phlegmI'm trying to sing from music notesThat have a backward stem." 🎵Anyone else want to have a go? --Crunchy Chords
I was too slow putting on my Poppins caption but I think yours could stay considering how obvious Poppins is and your caption was great. --Stephen Bean
Pfft.. only shades I could get. Can't be cool, with all these flower-power hippy types. As a seedling, I dreamed of heading a gang of opium poppies. --Mauris Iocus
It's OK Snapdragon, their memories live on in their recycled captions ;)
Regarding 2), if you remember a particular caption, you can use Google Site Search. For instance, if you enter in Google - the gland national - then will come up as a result.
Google site search isn't too accurate though, "the gland national" on only returns 3 hits, when in reality it has been used 2542 times.
Thank you, James. Sounds like you wield google more adroitly than I, but thanks for the tip. To remember old captions, I would have had to have been her for longer. Though I do enjoy the way people are weaving old ideas in the "recycling" or re-purposing with old familiar quips getting an updated reboot.
Speaking of single vote gems; just checked and you had some great ones this week that made me laugh, which only got a single vote (antabolic steroids, and parkouring). As mentioned, not every joke is for everyone, but I liked them.
Perhaps voting habits have changed? Or there are many more captions now?
Two things surprise me;
1) That so many brilliant captions don't get more than 1 vote.
2) How people can find these ancient posts on a site with no search engine.
Alas, some of those great writers on that page, have found other things to do with their time...
comment on caption:
Deja coup: that strange feeling that you've seen this removal of a dicktator before.
[Crunchy Chords]
It's OK Snapdragon, their memories live on in their recycled captions ;)
Regarding 2), if you remember a particular caption, you can use Google Site Search. For instance, if you enter in Google - the gland national - then will come up as a result.
Google site search isn't too accurate though, "the gland national" on only returns 3 hits, when in reality it has been used 2542 times.
comment on caption:
Deja coup: that strange feeling that you've seen this removal of a dicktator before.
[Crunchy Chords]
Thank you, James. Sounds like you wield google more adroitly than I, but thanks for the tip. To remember old captions, I would have had to have been her for longer. Though I do enjoy the way people are weaving old ideas in the "recycling" or re-purposing with old familiar quips getting an updated reboot.
Speaking of single vote gems; just checked and you had some great ones this week that made me laugh, which only got a single vote (antabolic steroids, and parkouring). As mentioned, not every joke is for everyone, but I liked them.
comment on caption:
Deja coup: that strange feeling that you've seen this removal of a dicktator before.
[Crunchy Chords]
Took me years to train my pigeon to fetch phone numbers from pretty girls. To my horror, I now realize, I shouldn't have used the word Digits!
comment on caption:
I made the mistake of wearing sandals and got pigeon-toed. [Crunchy Chords]
Very observant. Like it...smiles.
comment on caption:
"Everyone is always talking about my
right arm, but no one ever mentions how
difficult it is having two left hands." [Crunchy Chords]
How urgent are we talking here? Would calling 101 be better?
comment on caption:
"Yes, hello, 999?
I'd like to report some Peeping Toms." [Crunchy Chords]
One is a mongoose. More than one are polygoose.
comment on caption:
"Before we begin this, I've always wondered so I must ask you all:
Is it, 'Those are some ugly mongooses,'
or, 'Those are some ugly mongeese'?" [Crunchy Chords]
Or a manygoose.
comment on caption:
"Before we begin this, I've always wondered so I must ask you all:
Is it, 'Those are some ugly mongooses,'
or, 'Those are some ugly mongeese'?" [Crunchy Chords]
and bald tyres.
comment on caption:
"Hello hello hello, what's this then? .
No headlights... fifty quid. .
No tail lights... fifty quid. .
No brake lights... fifty quid. .
No turn indicators... fifty quid. .
. No silencer... fifty quid...." . [Crunchy Chords]
Lol, anon... fifty quid.
comment on caption:
"Hello hello hello, what's this then? .
No headlights... fifty quid. .
No tail lights... fifty quid. .
No brake lights... fifty quid. .
No turn indicators... fifty quid. .
. No silencer... fifty quid...." . [Crunchy Chords]