Wow!! Cheers for the kind comments, everyone, and especially to Paul (the Finder), and to James, John L, and Glad (the generous Super-voters) as well as Vincent for his early praise. So many great captions this past month! I feel sorry to have pip... --Crunchy Chords
Challenge accepted, Julia.🎵 “It's not entirely my faultMy songs sound like gargled phlegmI'm trying to sing from music notesThat have a backward stem." 🎵Anyone else want to have a go? --Crunchy Chords
I was too slow putting on my Poppins caption but I think yours could stay considering how obvious Poppins is and your caption was great. --Stephen Bean
Pfft.. only shades I could get. Can't be cool, with all these flower-power hippy types. As a seedling, I dreamed of heading a gang of opium poppies. --Mauris Iocus
All my boners are, sadly, text-based these days.
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At least he died doing what he loved: sitting in front of his computer naked. [Crunchy Chords]
Not sure I can pun this it's too hard
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At least he died doing what he loved: sitting in front of his computer naked. [Crunchy Chords]
Come on now Mr. DoMe, I'm sure you can rise to the occasion.
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At least he died doing what he loved: sitting in front of his computer naked. [Crunchy Chords]
nun, nun, nun-nun-nun...
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Duel of the Faiths [Crunchy Chords]
It's like you've seen inside my soul, Cap Auth
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"Two nuns battling with lightsabres
and one of them is young and pretty
but with eyes as black as the depths of hell
and make sure they both have their mouths
slightly open so people will write captions
that have dialogue and that tell a story
and are not just stupid puns. And...
Bing A.I.: "... Are you okay, James?" [Crunchy Chords]
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"Oh no, not again," thought Gwyneth Paltrow.
[Crunchy Chords]
Serves you right for marrying Dave, I dare say.
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Every time I push it up,
my husband smashes it down and says
"guac-a-mole!" [Crunchy Chords]
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🎵 "... My fair lady!" 🎵 [Crunchy Chords]
All her heirs.
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"They can't do this to me!
I have a right to see my
five hundred grandchildren." [Crunchy Chords]
Can you really blame them, Dave, since that's how you've always let them in?
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Some of my boyfriends have been surprisingly disappointed when I've told them they can't come in my back door. [Crunchy Chords]