Same for me, James, it was as if Willie were reading the thoughts that spin round in my head almost every day! Incidentally, I'm a Scorpio who never thinks about astrology, but I'm an INFP on the Myers-Briggs test. Maybe it's an Introverted iNt... --Crunchy Chords
An inspired, well thought out and researched caption? That might be worth a shot. Personally I just tend to waffle, although waffles are quite nice, especially with Banana and Ice Cream, mmmmmm delicious. Do you see what I mean? I should have save... --The Wolf
Thanks Stephen Bean, for giving this caption a measure of irony with your vote. I guess the only thing that would be more ironic regarding this picture is if it won an award (hint, hint - haha it'll never happen).
Aww, congratulations, what a beautiful baby boy!
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Congratulations to the family, Willie!
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"Hello world." Many congrats Willie, a handsome wee fella.
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Congratulations to you all!
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Congratulations to the family Willie. Looks like he wants to high five in the pic.
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I reckon he's thumbing his nose.
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Many congratulations, Willie. New captioneers are always welcome on the site.
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I would like to recognize 8:05:37 as well. Here's a nod in your general direction.
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"You can go back to Kansas any time Dorothy. All you have to do is close your eyes, make a wish, and blow." [Willie Johnson]
This is literally true. Not as bad as for this guy though.
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Yeah, I can relate. I've had those early mornings where I've gone off to work half-prepared and making bad short cut decisions for the commute. [Willie Johnson]
Thanks Stephen Bean, for giving this caption a measure of irony with your vote. I guess the only thing that would be more ironic regarding this picture is if it won an award (hint, hint - haha it'll never happen).
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Alas, a typical day on A cat. And for votes, a bagel. [Willie Johnson]