Thanks so much for the votes and kind words. Moreover, thanks to Chris for his hard work, patience and generosity running the site. It's not easy looking after us lot. Thanks again, everyone. :)P.S. I'll just do a pun next time, James. --Al Overy
I’ve not seen this elsewhere. I also don’t think it’s necessary to use comments to criticise captions. Better just to withhold your vote and move on. --Chris Beach
I refuse to recognise this as the winning caption. I was getting ready to celebrate this one as the true winner - me at the "Stop the Steal" rally followed by a march to the Caption Building alongsid... --Troompa Loompa
And that's how the conspiracy was foiled. It wasn't anything to do with the fact that any of the idiots involved had big mouths and tried to warn their pals.
I've never commented to suggest a nod before, and this is a good caption, but there was a moth caption at 12:13:00 that may be worth a nod.
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"Yes, Jeff."
"I don't think the Moth God is coming, is he?" [Al Overy]
Didn't see that, Anon but here's a nod.
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"Yes, Jeff."
"I don't think the Moth God is coming, is he?" [Al Overy]
Is that all?
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Yes, it's the 150,000th Onadventurewithdad photo to appear on [Al Overy]
Is that a record?
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Yes, it's the 150,000th Onadventurewithdad photo to appear on [Al Overy]
They could be used in a Faustian pact lunch.
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"That's the last time I ask Satan to fertilize my vegetables." [Al Overy]
And that's how the conspiracy was foiled. It wasn't anything to do with the fact that any of the idiots involved had big mouths and tried to warn their pals.
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"Wait! Mr Fawkes, come back! You forgot this!" [Al Overy]
''I could murder a cup of coffee.''
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"Two Orient Espressos, please." [Al Overy]
Or a redrum coffee liqueur
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"Two Orient Espressos, please." [Al Overy]
Make mine a double shot.
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"Two Orient Espressos, please." [Al Overy]
It must be a Quirke of hers.
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Although Pauline denied this charge, she later admitted to smothering him with her beaver. [Al Overy]