super vote: ( left this week)
They only signed up cos they kneaded the dough
16/03/23 12:41:02
Southerner goes up north
30/12/22 12:13:58
And things that lie:Politicians TabloidsAmber Heard
14/02/23 12:28:00
Oh, that's why American fridges are so big
12/02/23 15:42:47
Take your kid to work day
01/01/23 11:21:53
This is how they choose in China's 1 child rule
26/01/23 12:11:41
As long as he has no pitbull in him.. because that's a dangerous breed
14/01/23 21:15:35
This is not what I had in mind when I ordered my American style fridge
27/12/22 9:19:15
Have Banarama split?
15/01/23 20:18:29
Estate agents' local branch
12/01/23 6:45:40
Time loop
01/01/23 20:01:56
When you finally get a GP face to face appointment
26/12/22 22:52:15
Trixie!? Fifi!?
16/03/23 12:40:03
Chernobyl fashion show
10/02/23 12:21:24
Dammit dave you had the supershrink 2000 the wrong way round
03/02/23 23:59:53
The Tory Party regretted hiring a genealogist to trace their ancestors
30/01/23 6:30:28
He had no idea hornets had nested in his bagpipes
08/01/23 20:00:15
After PETA alleged cruelty to reindeer Santa is forced to test drive an alternative
16/03/23 6:29:07
Geoff: shame it's not a jacuzzi. Dave: I can fix that... I had beans for lunch
11/03/23 16:02:52
Heel not offer to do that again
16/02/23 12:15:16
Always knew the New York subway was dicey
03/02/23 17:08:02, edited: 03/02/23 17:08:19
Fantastic when you want a seat all to yourself on the tube
23/01/23 12:45:43
This is what happens if you hesitate on platform 9 3/4
23/01/23 12:34:41
When Nigel Farage asked for his campaign bus to have his face on it.. this is not quite what he meant
20/01/23 6:25:13
So-ya bean on the shelf long?
16/01/23 11:40:11
A wise Guru told him this would cure his Taj Mahalitosis.. these American tourists will believe anything
15/01/23 9:31:38
If you steal my egg.. I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you - Liam Nees-hen
05/01/23 15:41:04
After a night out with the girls, Kitty thought it would be hilarious to try and light her farts.
05/01/23 11:06:54, edited: 05/01/23 11:07:08
28/12/22 16:57:05