Pilot's phoned in sick so it looks like you'll have to fly it.
OK, but what gear should I be in on take off?
Oh, what you're wearing now should be fine.
Hi, it's a great idea, and I'm going to sound like a grammar nazi here, but it needs some punctuation to give it some tone- it's 'pilot's', 'OK' should have a comma after it, 'on take off?' needs the question mark and the last line should start 'Oh,' with a full stop at the end. Sorry, but without it it just reads in a kind of monotone which drains it of the humour that it has within it :)
Hi, it's a great idea, and I'm going to sound like a grammar nazi here, but it needs some punctuation to give it some tone- it's 'pilot's', 'OK' should have a comma after it, 'on take off?' needs the question mark and the last line should start 'Oh,' with a full stop at the end. Sorry, but without it it just reads in a kind of monotone which drains it of the humour that it has within it :)
Ze Pilot's fond in sik zo it loks lik yu'll hav to fly it.
OK, but vat geer shuld I be in on tak off?
Oh. Vat yu'r varing now shuld be fin.
Neil, if this is your caption you should change it to your comment- it's hilarious!
The original is not mine, but if your corrections are added I will vote for it. Your term grammar Nazi tickled me.
Ze Englischer vin eine Vorld cup und ze sink zat mine grandma ist a Nazi.
Is ra a light in her oven?