lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or

last comments (total: 11)

Well said...


I tend to vote for the funniest captions which includes three of the top four this month. I also vote for creative/ clever captions, even if they aren't that funny. I'm sure one of yours will be in those categories, eventually. ;)


Hi Al. This caption is just a bit of banter. We all have it from time to time. For the record, I'm happy with my contribution and record on the site as a captioneer (and voter). On a serious note, I feel that there would be more (funny, creative and clever) captions if some members would vote more fairly. Only my opinion and huge respect to you as a captioneer. Kind regards, Wolf.

(caption author)

I've taken the caption light-heartedly by the way, caption author, as I am sure that's how it was meant. The follow up comment from Anon is nasty and unnecessary.


It shouldn't matter how people vote, humour can be hit and miss. Sometimes things hit their mark, sometimes they don't. I do find folk can take voting or receiving votes a bit too seriously on here, surely it's a bit of fun at the end of the day? I also wonder if Chris got rid of the Anon comment setting (keeping the Caption Author setting which makes sense), would Anon/s still be the same Anon/s? Or is it that as Anon could be perceived as a stranger/anyone we take their comments as volatile because there's no point of reference to make them more familiar so we know where they're coming from? Or do we simply let it be? I don't know, what do you think? Anon, what are your thoughts? smilie face


Chairman Beach of the People's Democratic Republic of here. In my position as benevolent dictator, I do occasionally keep tabs on individuals that use anon comments to make personal attacks. And please let me know if you spot this kind of behaviour and I haven't noticed.

In future, anon commenting will be a privilege that has to be earnt, and which can be taken away if abused. I've prioritised this on the todo list.

In the meantime I will downvote such comments, which will then affect the comment quota of any naughty anons.


Big brother is watching us. 😀


Nice one Chairman Beach! 😂👏


I bet anon has trouble sleeping tonight.


Chris that's a great idea for the future PDR of Cm. Still allowing the freedom to be an Anon, but also that Anon/s are not unnecessarily persecuted if they are not Anon/s. I'm sure the Anon community will be very grateful. laughing face


I do find the whole idea of Anon and online anonymity funny (not to offend the Anon community in any way if this does indeed offend Anon/s or otherwise). You are not anyone but you are also not no one, but you are there no matter what. And it's only with privilege and resources that you can find out who an Anon may really be, but then surely that undermines the whole point of being Anon in the first place. laughing face


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