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A View to a Thrill
cash prize caption contestVote score: {props.stats.delayedVoteScore}

last comments (total: 4)

Sorry Karyn, I missed voting on this photo, but would have voted for this caption. I only vote for puns when they have 3 or more facets, which this does: The movie title, the photo description, and the Eiffel Tower scene in the movie. Well done, and apologies for missing it.


That's a tough criteria to meet, 3 or more facets, and to pick out too it would seem, if they're getting missed.


Rather lax standards, gents. My vote requires at least 4 facets before I lift a finger.


True Troompa. Some great captions don't score so well because they have a clever nuance that not everyone picks up on.

Anyway, re puns, I don't think 3 facets is too tough. It can be a double play on the pic as with Karyn's, or a double play in the pun, Welsh Rarebit's "Shark ingested daughter" springs to mind, or the pun-description-joke trio, like Mark England's recent "Gladys pulled a Mussel" caption. It's that third element over the standard pun-description combo that makes them voteworthy, for me.


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