super vote: ( left this week)
© All Rights Reserved karyn127
The goose turns into a peacock? (I know, I'm sorry. I've got leucistic morals.)
What are leucistic morals?
Just a play on the word (loose/leucistic, see 8:13:15) implying that I'm overly pedantic and saying unnecessary things, see Thu 13:33:38). And with that detailed explanation, I declare this "joke" officially dead.
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The goose turns into a peacock?
(I know, I'm sorry. I've got leucistic morals.)
What are leucistic morals?
Just a play on the word (loose/leucistic, see 8:13:15) implying that I'm overly pedantic and saying unnecessary things, see Thu 13:33:38). And with that detailed explanation, I declare this "joke" officially dead.