We've all tried (and failed) to give up captioning. The only reasonable conclusion to explain this is that Chris Beach is the antichrist. On the plus side, living a productive life is nothing in comparison to that wonderful noise when someone likes your caption.
Whether Chris Beach is some supernatural diabolical entity that we all play to the tune of on the platform he's created is a different story. And I will make the necessary blood sacrifice later Chris to appease the Ancient Ones, so please don't worry.
For me, it's the good captions that draw me in. The voting can be quite entertaining too.
....but few people who live productive and fulfilling lives give them up to go into captioneering.
I think being a captioneer is productive, fulfilling... and more!
Hang on, people give up captioning?
Anon: Maybe I should re-evaluate my life choices?
Dot: You're absolutely right, viva la caption.me, and it's fulfilling vote sound.
Al: There have been a few. This guy, Charles Manson, Boris Johnson. The list goes on...
We've all tried (and failed) to give up captioning. The only reasonable conclusion to explain this is that Chris Beach is the antichrist. On the plus side, living a productive life is nothing in comparison to that wonderful noise when someone likes your caption.
Yes, Wolf. I've always found it odd that "Chris Beach" is a perfect anagram of "Beelzebub". And yes, that noise is wonderful, or so I've heard
Captioning is a perpetual search for meaning: Like what the F does THIS mean!
I just the satisfaction of actually finishing a writing project: There, I did it again. Ahhhh...
Whether Chris Beach is some supernatural diabolical entity that we all play to the tune of on the platform he's created is a different story. And I will make the necessary blood sacrifice later Chris to appease the Ancient Ones, so please don't worry.
For me, it's the good captions that draw me in. The voting can be quite entertaining too.