lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

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The Coo Klux Klan (Balham branch)
cash prize caption contestVote score: {props.stats.delayedVoteScore}

last comments (total: 5)

You beat me by a few seconds, but I'm keeping mine in because, quite honestly, such an obvious one shouldn't be the winner, anyway. (Like you, I thought this up well before 12:00). Cheers... Quite happy for you to get all the votes, but I've missed out by a few seconds so often, I thought 'bugger it' this time. Very old laptop! (I hadn't seen yours till I'd posted mine)

(caption author)

If you are downloading an obvious pun/joke, you must have the best IT equipment on the site to register the earliest time. Overwhelmingly, voters go for downloading speed rather than the caption itself. My advice is: remortgage your house and get some decent equipment.


Cheers. I'm afraid I'm one of those guys who doesn't replace anything until the original has actually disintegrated (save the planet, and all that). No, the answer is to post something original that won't be duplicated, making speed unnececessary. Which I've done. I have another entry here. But I just couldn't resist posting this one, too. And I applaud the writer of the other one (maybe it's you?) for his/her/its/their/your big-hearted response.

(caption author)

Hi caption author, I did the quick one by using copy and paste. Sorry, I should have realised you might not be doing that. It's much quicker than typing out the whole caption. That should save you from having to remortgage your house (not my suggestion although it might work for some).


I do copy and paste, but there was a delay of a few seconds (sods law) before the page came up. I sensed, in that couple of seconds, that there would be a basically identical caption being copied and pasted at the same time. And sure enough! A while back, I was beaten to the post by 'Their relationship has really blossomed" - my version was "Love blossoms". Same delay, same caption, basically. I deleted mine that time. There have been others. Lesson to self: think of something original! Cheers again for taking it in the right spirit.

(caption author)

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