lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or
"Thank goodness One does not have to be elected Queen. One finds it most difficult to get votes on this site."
cash prize caption contestVote score: {props.stats.delayedVoteScore}
Edited 19:56:27

last comments (total: 5)

Yes, the infallibility of the electoral process. Lol ๐Ÿ™„

It can provide such wonderful candidates like Donald Trump who in no way has ever thrown a hissy fit and stirred up a riot because he didn't get voted back into office.

I don't believe monarchies have ever had hissy fits when leaving office. Probably because they get executed or exiled instead.

Luckily,'s far more civilised than all of this nonsense. We kick up a fuss if there's a one vote for one submitted caption quota or if people aren't voting a way that maybe we think they ought to be ๐Ÿ˜†

I realise in advance I am likely going to get told off for putting this in the comments, but may I also add hats off to Chris for managing the site and the demands it entails!


โ€œI realise in advance I am likely going to get told off for putting this in the commentsโ€œ

Yes, you will Glyn. Iโ€™ve made it clear that the comments are not for political soapboxing. Itโ€™s divisive and it encourages other people to do the same. Iโ€™d certainly like to respond and set one or two things straight, as I have plenty of political opinions of my own. However, I wonโ€™t, because it would spoil the fun and casual feel of the site.


I knew I would ๐Ÿ˜†

It's cool Chris, I'm not after a political soapbox - I don't think or really care if "my voice" ๐Ÿ™„ travels, not that it would do. If it did, I couldn't care less.

A lot of the time I'm playing around with observations, I was trying to make a relevant comment with the theme of the caption which understandably has referred to the political system present in the photo.

Maybe I'm just being misguided. ๐Ÿค” Whatever suits


Any publicity is good publicity...

Seriously though, while politics will inevitably sneak into captions, Chris has made it crystal clear they shouldn't be discussed in comments. His reasoning for this is sound.

The 'Politics' section in the forum was created so people can discuss/debate opinions in a more appropriate place:

(caption author)

I totally get where you're coming from.

Any attempt to provoke a political discussion on in the comments (not that I would suggest anyone should do this) would be stopped in their tracks by the comment quota.

Luckily this will stop anything of that nature trailing off into a butting heads scroll which is what Chris understandably wants to avoid. I get the limitless space in the forums then accommodates anyone that does have or hold any sort of reservation that can then be discussed at a leisurely pace.

Anyway, as for political comments, I'd better go underground...๐Ÿ˜œ


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