Are you sure he didn't just run out of quota? (Sorry Mr. Beach, I couldn't resist. And I think it's probably a different site caption author is talking about anyway.)
I know what you mean Karen, I got the negatives too... I mean I got the idea it was very negative too. James, couldn't it be both censored and very orderly personal grooming? Anyway I just know it's not my house. My house isn't that big.
"photo's" should be "photos"

Other than that, caption is 100% accurate. If anyone wants the uncensored version, DM me, I'm open to reasonable offers
Would you accept a small deposit?
Are you sure he didn't just run out of quota?
(Sorry Mr. Beach, I couldn't resist. And I think it's probably a different site caption author is talking about anyway.)
Uncensored version? I got the negatives.
Wait, it's censored? I just thought they had very orderly personal grooming.
I know what you mean Karen, I got the negatives too... I mean I got the idea it was very negative too.
James, couldn't it be both censored and very orderly personal grooming?
Anyway I just know it's not my house. My house isn't that big.