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If the hunter is a decoy, I was trying to figure out why. Do water fowl have something against skinny dippers?

I don't know what as there's no immediate threat to life from skinny dipping, unless ducks are getting sick and tired of all the bloated corpses polluting their ponds after drowning accidents?

Then again that wouldn't make sense as the ducks are using these decoys as a ploy to add to the body count.


Maybe it's 2 rival ducks fighting each other, both luring each other into the open.
Or maybe it's a triple decoy and the duck is also a cutout, maybe it's the fish at war?

(caption author)

I think if the hunter is the cut out, the other duck would be wanting to shoot the lady not because of skinny dipping per-se, but because she appears to be about to throw her bra off, and this could pose a danger to ducks, for example, getting tangled in their legs. Also cast off bras in the water attract pike, who make their nests in them. Pike have been known to attack ducklings when no one's looking. I live near a lake so I know what I'm talking about Glyn.


Well it sounds like it's best to avoid bras being thrown into lakes....

(caption author)

Well Karen, the beer industry have been very good in taking on their environmental responsibility by providing cardboard holders instead of plastic ring holders, I think it maybe time for women to start wearing cardboard bras. I'm sure cardboard lingerie could be sexy...?

I'm sexy and I know it, yeah cardboard robots maybe the way.


The lady Definitely is a cut-out, or, She has a stick up her butt.


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