super vote: ( left this week)
"That's all Volks".
01/03/13 12:01:35
Pram Stoker
31/07/14 7:25:31
"No .. woman, no pie"!
29/08/12 12:58:45
"Is that the couple from our hotel who kept us awake all night with their bonking in the room over ours?"Yea ... You'ld think they would be a bit old for that now".
03/10/12 11:15:04
Perfect picture but her feet lactose
05/07/13 11:14:55
"We are thinking of Chopin it up for firewood"
18/12/12 12:15:12
"What about using your wing mirrors"?
27/07/14 19:03:49
Within Earshot
12/03/13 22:57:02
"I was told there was some great Schnapps to be had here"
31/10/12 9:21:27
"Got to pick a punnit or two"
06/09/12 19:41:02
"What's in yours"? "Cheese and sand" .... "And yours"? "Tomato and flies"
17/08/12 11:08:22
Daddy Long Pegs
08/09/14 12:23:41
"Has anyone seen the Sherpa"?"Yea ... he's sitting outside his house on an armchair"
24/02/14 14:12:41
The first ever impersonation of Sonny and Cher ... in the same photo.
15/02/14 12:02:38
Mrs Doyle "How about tea Fr Jack"Fr Jack "No I'm looking for an e"Mrs Doyle "The drink is bad enough ... now he's on the drugs"
05/02/13 20:39:41
A Cross Aggressor
04/09/13 11:08:26
"Now lets get this home before every dog in the street knows I have one"
30/05/13 11:13:14
"Sorry for taking so long ... I had problems getting the phone out of my pocket"
23/04/13 11:02:54
"I can't get a good drag out of this donkey can I have 20 Camels instead"?
22/02/13 12:01:50
It's a false tart.
04/02/13 12:05:18
He ain't heavy he's my Buddha.
01/01/12 11:29:28
"Wow ... where did that swarm of bees come from"?
02/03/15 20:59:59
Cyclists with a mullet are prohibited
08/02/14 12:05:18
A Random Diary Entry.
06/02/14 8:22:13
Shingle Bells.
23/12/12 12:13:36
Land Cruiser!
16/05/12 21:22:21
Baby Shower.
03/02/12 11:04:31
Handmade Preserves
10/10/14 20:44:59
Foam James.
01/05/13 11:00:21
"It's worse than that .. she's fat Jim"
17/03/13 21:01:57
Motor Pike and Side Carp.
24/02/13 20:00:47
".... let's hope my master picks up the remains"
15/02/13 12:12:02
Appauling 13
27/01/13 11:22:48
Billy Crystal
22/04/12 20:09:16
"Bill do you have a light ..... sorry Frank I don't smoke .... but there's a matchbox back there somewhere"
01/02/12 11:34:36
The Wrong Sisters.
27/05/14 19:49:31
Kirk "Your analysis Bones"?Bones "It's worse than that I'm dead Jim"
24/08/13 9:23:37
"Here's a fiver ... give me my saddle back"
26/06/13 19:33:06
Arty Farty
10/06/13 12:34:44
"Oh no ... there's another lamp post I missed"
18/03/13 20:59:22
Ten Pins Bowling
19/02/13 12:01:56
A Day at the Races - "On your Marks Brothers & Sisters"
04/02/13 15:27:26
Sylvia's bark is worse than her bite.
30/12/12 20:14:29
"Ingrid zid you phut da towels on za deck chairs"?"Yea Helga ZI came down zat 3.30am like you say"
29/11/12 12:15:21
Thai Phew Tea
09/08/12 10:27:28
Gilbert O'Sullivan ... alone again naturally!
23/05/12 11:13:59
"... but how do we get in"?"... ah just pull those love handles"
08/05/12 20:57:32
18/01/12 22:20:03
Door to door lifeboat collection.
27/11/11 19:32:54
07/04/14 12:13:35
Sherpas Tensing
24/02/14 13:49:52
Bird of Pray
07/02/14 12:00:33
Hundreds and thousands turned out to watch the race.
07/04/13 19:04:20
Meshed up kids.
09/03/13 8:43:13
"Go away I'm trying to do a screen dump"
25/02/13 12:00:45
Blue Moons
29/11/12 12:02:13
Muslim women updating their FacelessBook page
04/11/12 20:31:06
Matt Le Blanc
14/08/12 11:47:37
"Get away ... you already ruined our car"
20/05/12 10:36:05
"I'm a Single Lady"
19/02/12 11:57:31
NASA Christmas Dinner.
04/12/11 10:09:52
"just what I need to go with this jumper ... a nice mullet"
17/11/11 11:19:09
Round the world on 80 stays
26/10/11 10:32:29
"Damn this reincarnation ... do I have to go through all this again?"
27/03/11 11:21:56
... just looking for my litter ...
10/11/10 11:03:08
Artic conditions on the way.
02/08/15 8:04:19
"... and now for my latest invention ... the vertical mullet"
28/08/14 22:08:11
"Never a disabled parking bay when you need one"
03/05/14 20:20:54
Standing Bull
22/04/14 13:49:54
Another 70's disk jockey gone into disguise before the police come knocking.
15/02/14 12:14:30
"Yes Officer I know my library books are overdue ... but I was pressganged in 1695"
02/01/14 13:05:08
"I'm staying here by myshelf"
10/03/13 20:00:31
"Well Lewis .... solving this is a piece of cake"
27/02/13 20:26:54
"I just love my Honda umbilical Accord".
17/01/13 20:01:13
It's Bond .... English Bond.
08/11/12 8:35:57
French Revolution Souvenirs - at Cut Down prices
07/11/12 12:02:33
"... and now here's a particular favourate of mine ... Donald where's your trooooousers"
05/10/12 11:36:01
Rio unveils athlete Olympic facilities for 2016.
21/09/12 7:49:52
"... and you wouldn't believe it ... both buried up to their necks in sand" "No".
17/08/12 11:02:22
Say Cheese (and Ham).
06/03/12 21:56:24
"Sgt .. What time did the accident happen"? "Roundabout 2"
11/01/12 21:51:16
Santa says "No presents for you this year ... you have been a right heel".
22/12/11 12:16:27
"Have they caught any fish fingers today"?
18/10/11 10:07:57
Log Haul Transport
31/01/15 11:29:08
"Can I have more jelly snots"
26/01/15 21:31:32
3, 2, 1 ...Selfie with Dusty Bin
10/10/14 13:06:18
Looks like Dorothy pulled the short straw"
08/09/14 19:44:16
"Beryl there's a couple of shady characters around"
03/07/14 13:07:18
"Pistachio in my mustachio".
23/05/14 7:33:59
"Excuse me sir ... I seem to be lost ... can you direct me back to the Police Station"?
17/10/13 20:59:38
His fries are undone.
13/10/13 21:04:10
Man Utd new away kit.
16/09/13 21:01:50
The Czars and Stripes and the American Dream.
11/09/13 19:04:46
School's out for Summer Vikation.
23/07/13 11:47:02
The Nuremburg Lolly
26/06/13 8:56:05
"I just have one concern before we get married ..... are you a natural blond"?
29/05/13 11:07:44
"You're ok as long as you don't inhale - at least that's what Bill says"
24/05/13 20:03:20
"Listen up ... this is a coup a te"
13/05/13 11:54:03
Plate Watchers.
22/04/13 11:14:28
"If he eats all those Kim Sung very Ill".
14/04/13 9:57:35
35 - 44 25 - 34 15 - 24 5 - 14 1 - 4
Do they have horse racing in Bakewell?
comment on caption: It's a false tart. [Austin Marry]
How about Pontefract?
I've heard of Pontefract cakes ,but never Pontefract prostitutes.
When i saw this caption had one vote i guessed the vote would be from Mr Blonde and i was spot on.
comment on caption: "I just have one concern before we get married ..... are you a natural blond"? [Austin Marry]
I had to vote for this as I had it written down and forgot to post it. :)
comment on caption: Arty Farty [Austin Marry]
"Is it the one near Letsby Road?"
comment on caption: "Excuse me sir ... I seem to be lost ... can you direct me back to the Police Station"? [Austin Marry]
surely it's Letsby avenue?
Well done on being one of the few people who found a way to make the pad and writing relevant- great stuff :)
comment on caption: A Random Diary Entry. [Austin Marry]
A Turd of Pray?
comment on caption: Bird of Pray [Austin Marry]
*whisper* "Swordfish are sometimes known as 'the Dingos of the ocean'..."
comment on caption: Makes a change from a dingo ate my baby. [Austin Marry]
Do they have horse racing in Bakewell?
comment on caption:
It's a false tart. [Austin Marry]
How about Pontefract?
comment on caption:
It's a false tart. [Austin Marry]
I've heard of Pontefract cakes ,but never Pontefract prostitutes.
comment on caption:
It's a false tart. [Austin Marry]
When i saw this caption had one vote i guessed the vote would be from Mr Blonde and i was spot on.
comment on caption:
"I just have one concern before we get married ..... are you a natural blond"? [Austin Marry]
I had to vote for this as I had it written down and forgot to post it. :)
comment on caption:
Arty Farty [Austin Marry]
"Is it the one near Letsby Road?"
comment on caption:
"Excuse me sir ... I seem to be lost ... can you direct me back to the Police Station"? [Austin Marry]
surely it's Letsby avenue?
comment on caption:
"Excuse me sir ... I seem to be lost ... can you direct me back to the Police Station"? [Austin Marry]
Well done on being one of the few people who found a way to make the pad and writing relevant- great stuff :)
comment on caption:
A Random Diary Entry. [Austin Marry]
A Turd of Pray?
comment on caption:
Bird of Pray [Austin Marry]
*whisper* "Swordfish are sometimes known as 'the Dingos of the ocean'..."
comment on caption:
Makes a change from a dingo ate my baby. [Austin Marry]