The following is not a joke; it's a compliment: If you show this image to a thousand people, 950 would just scratch their heads, 49 would make SOME sense out of it...and one, maybe just ONE would be funny. Congratulations! Nice caption, which is ... --Greg Curtis
Fitting old jokes to captions isn't what I would do personally but each to their own, there's a big difference between getting inspiration from an old joke and then adapting it and citing an old gag word for word. A nod to the original is good f... --Shandonbelle
Now we know who's really behind the exhibits in Charles Saatchi's gallery. Damien Hurst? Tracy Emin? Neither can match the creativity of Nigella on coke. --Mark England
It's based on a line from "Snakes on a Plane", John: "I've had it with these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane!"Interestingly, the movie was hyped up big time thanks to Samuel L. Jackson refusing to follow studio... --James Lennox
I believe I fixed it on my part. I only wrote it to match the way Molly had written hers. It remains for her to change hers as well, and all will be right with the world (or at least that part of the world that resides within the confines of this caption and comments). (*To be clear, all is right with this microcosm of a world as long as we retain good will toward each other). And with that, I think I've already said too much (oops).
I can't change mine, Willie, because it's already got four votes - although none of them is Karen's, so this is not quite where we came in. (Besides, although I was taught as a child never to start a sentence with "And", nobody ever explained why they did this so much in the Bible. "And it came to pass..." And if that was supposed to be the Word of God I reckoned it should have trumped my teacher.)
Think it is better without "(five seconds earlier)". The caption reader can tell there's a short period of time between that being said and the photo being taken. Not too late to tweak it, unless any of the other voters particularly object.
I'm going to interpret it as a protest against terrible puns and vote accordingly.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
It could, however, also be read as an approval for terrible puns, in which case you've wasted a vote.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
Very clever but I think it might be spelled wrong.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
And the punctuation is rubbish.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
...and the beginning of the sentence is not capitalized.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
Not really the right context to start a sentence with and.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
Nobody should expect perfect grammar, it's just a sign of the times.
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
I believe I fixed it on my part. I only wrote it to match the way Molly had written hers. It remains for her to change hers as well, and all will be right with the world (or at least that part of the world that resides within the confines of this caption and comments).
(*To be clear, all is right with this microcosm of a world as long as we retain good will toward each other). And with that, I think I've already said too much (oops).
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
I can't change mine, Willie, because it's already got four votes - although none of them is Karen's, so this is not quite where we came in. (Besides, although I was taught as a child never to start a sentence with "And", nobody ever explained why they did this so much in the Bible. "And it came to pass..." And if that was supposed to be the Word of God I reckoned it should have trumped my teacher.)
comment on caption:
x [Michael Winner]
Think it is better without "(five seconds earlier)". The caption reader can tell there's a short period of time between that being said and the photo being taken. Not too late to tweak it, unless any of the other voters particularly object.
comment on caption:
(five seconds earlier)
"So, what does this button do?" [Michael Winner]