super vote: ( left this week)
"I've got something to tell you darling....i've got crabs".
14/03/12 20:06:47
Jim, with his right hand man.
08/03/12 11:04:32
Buns N Roses.
07/03/12 11:01:31
Ralph had excellent hand eye coordination.
28/02/12 20:00:32
Junk and Disorderly.
20/02/12 20:02:25
Virgin antartic.
06/02/12 11:00:34
The kids hanging around was becoming a real problem in the area.
02/02/12 20:13:41
Period-ic table.
22/01/12 11:25:26
"Say cheese Antony".
10/01/12 11:12:17
"Right, the good news is the socks have come out whiter than white, the bad news is i've found the cat"
08/01/12 20:00:55
Got the wife one of those electric dildo's for xmas, I just wish i'd learnt how to wire a plug properly.
04/01/12 20:01:10
Seconds later they Koread into each other.
04/01/12 11:26:33
It was Clive's first African safari, and his last, The stupid sod had only climbed on top of a herd of sleeping elephants.
02/01/12 12:50:45
Fall out boy.
13/12/11 20:00:22
The Lawnmower man.
13/12/11 11:00:15
Michael Mug Glass.
08/12/11 11:03:27
Ed burns.
06/12/11 11:00:19
The wicker man.
06/12/11 11:00:10
"It's a fair cop"
05/12/11 20:00:09
Marys fishing skills more than made up for her dress sense.
17/11/11 11:02:23
I bet this bloody dogs got more ticks than i have this week!
03/11/11 20:23:35
#You aint nothing but a Pound Dog#
03/11/11 20:00:20
Ken just wouldn't pay the ransom!!
16/10/11 19:20:59
I told you NOT to use a white pen!!!!!
13/10/11 19:16:09
"Hows your dot to dot mate?" "Its braille you prat!"
10/10/11 20:40:42
No running over giant slugs whislt joggers are about.
12/10/14 11:09:55
Think once! Think twice! Think Nike!
10/10/14 7:10:02
He was later charged with being Trunk and disorderly.
05/10/14 11:03:05
Free Willy.
16/12/13 20:28:16
Jew've been framed.
11/11/13 12:00:11
"Fuck sake! Will you sort that halitosis out."
11/11/13 8:06:56
Women's rugby. Where the players bleed from a nasty gash before a ball's even been kicked.
10/11/13 8:03:17
To live dangerously, every now and then Timmy liked to play chicken.
25/09/13 11:00:39
"Pass me the peppa pig."
20/09/13 19:01:59
Dick and Dom.
19/09/13 7:12:04
Park And Fried.
16/09/13 7:16:43
There's no need to get shirty.
25/08/13 11:09:16
Bored Shiiteless.
25/08/13 11:02:48
Snog Marry Deployed.
13/08/13 19:15:32
"Fuck me, what a week. I've been busting my nuts at work, 15 hour days and the wife's still nagging me. Dave, my best mate fell out of a bloody conker tree last Tuesday, He's in a bad way. Weather's took a nasty turn and I'm in arrears with the mortgage. Ah well, lets just get this bloody cob back, kids are hungry."
27/07/13 7:51:04
Jim wasn't crazy...yet, but he was on the right tracks.
14/07/13 19:00:50
"Nanny, has Grandad gone loco?"
14/07/13 19:00:11
14/07/13 11:13:51
"Aye, I had a bollock that looked just like that in my rugby days."
30/06/13 19:14:45
Carlsberg don't do Fire trucks, but if they did....
08/04/13 19:11:17
Police are on the lookout for an escaped prisoner.6' tall, shaven head with a ripped muscular physique.
08/04/13 7:18:12
"Right, I'll give you a clue, 'BOOM BOOM'."Got it! Basil Brush."
07/04/13 11:08:42
"You got bigger by eating chips!"
07/04/13 11:01:13
Looks a very earie place.
02/04/13 11:00:09
Unfortunately the shop was robbed last week, they got away with the Gash register.
28/03/13 20:04:43
28/03/13 8:00:17
"Anybody got any aftersun?"
25/03/13 20:18:29
"No, some of us can't naturally swim, now stop starring at us you bastards."
25/03/13 8:00:34
🎵 We're jammin...
22/03/13 20:00:26
Swells Angel.
14/03/13 20:11:14
Thong Thrush.
10/02/13 20:37:51
The Gran Reaper.
10/02/13 11:42:22
"I know how you feel mate, I'm the same when I drink Fosters."
08/02/13 8:18:12
Poo poo, Barney Mcgrew, CuthBert dribble in shrub.
05/02/13 12:17:58
Xan was looking for an Uggloo, but had to make do with shitting in a massive trainer instead.
19/01/13 20:16:10
"I'll have a Big Mac and fries please love."
17/01/13 20:12:21
Window Diaper.
17/01/13 20:00:24
"Stand back kids, I'll use the pellet gun."
12/01/13 12:00:08
The Hair Itch Project.
10/01/13 12:05:44
"Take that knife...That's for stabbin' up all my breadrin's."
04/01/13 20:00:09
At 50p a go, they made a tidy Prophet.
03/01/13 12:03:13
Garbage Pail Kid.
02/01/13 20:00:29
🎵 We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue,And then we'll take it higher. 🎵
27/12/12 8:06:59
It's a cracking little run around.
26/12/12 12:00:09
A bolt out of the Blue.
25/12/12 12:03:02
2 Girls 1 Pup.
24/12/12 20:00:07
"10 Strikes in a row...Now that's why they call me Neil Arm Strong."
23/12/12 20:00:08
Spinning Tot.
21/12/12 20:07:18
"Shit, I missed the mouse."
21/12/12 8:02:05
After his 3 match ban, Marouane Fellaini finds a way to fill his spare time.
19/12/12 20:44:29
A slice of the action.
18/12/12 20:00:07
14/12/12 20:01:35
Unidentified Farting Object.
13/12/12 12:01:54
"Is it just me and you Sis?"..."Yeah, the others girls wouldn't cum."
13/12/12 8:09:38
"Someone poked me on Facebook last night."
13/12/12 8:03:55
"The Ad said you came with a bit of baggage, but don't you think you're taking the piss?"
08/12/12 12:00:07
Wardrobe Malfunction.
06/12/12 8:29:14
"Earlier on Today, a Woman rang the BBC to say she'd heard there was some snow on the way, well if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't"... Said Michael Fish.
05/12/12 20:13:37
"You should have said you were coming, I'd have baked some lovely space cake."
24/11/12 20:02:49
Nan on the moon.
24/11/12 20:00:18
♫ ♫ Brown guy in the square...
23/11/12 8:28:40
A flash in the van.
22/11/12 20:29:09
A Purrfect Fit.
18/11/12 8:00:08
Fright Van Man.
16/11/12 20:00:15
Some airlines are a cut above the rest.
14/11/12 20:00:09
"You know, we shouldn't be doing this - According to that sign, my dad hates fags."
11/11/12 20:06:47
06/11/12 20:00:09
Amy liked to go for a paddle naked, she was a very nautiGal.
01/11/12 8:19:59
Weston's Super Mare.
01/11/12 8:00:36
Fat Cow.
28/10/12 12:01:52
Bus Chop.
27/10/12 7:02:07
Jane regretted not putting on her lip balm, the wind was making them crack and very sore.
26/10/12 19:08:52
A pair of hookers.
26/10/12 7:07:34
Mary was off for a cream cake...Just to tide her over.
24/10/12 11:03:04
♫ Come die with me, let's die, let's die away. ♫
24/10/12 7:03:37
172 - 181 162 - 171 152 - 161 142 - 151 132 - 141 122 - 131 112 - 121 102 - 111 92 - 101 82 - 91 72 - 81 62 - 71 52 - 61 42 - 51 32 - 41 22 - 31 12 - 21 2 - 11 0
Instead of (it's a bloody shithole.) what about it's a fuel dump?
comment on caption: This is supposed to be 4 star, it's a bloody shithole. [Dan Dan]
Hi Neil, As it's had a few votes It's probably best not to change it. Cheers though
Truth instead of true?
comment on caption: It's only 9% truth. [Dan Dan]
A small change but a BIG difference. Cheers Blondie.
Finger licking good
comment on caption: A cracking night out. A good curry and a bit of pussy. [Dan Dan]
Even harder at night.
comment on caption: This photo is a Mare to caption [Dan Dan]
at knight?
Is that because he's going to pee?
comment on caption: "And you'll feel the water go warm in 3, 2, 1.. [Dan Dan]
Yes John
Instead of (it's a bloody shithole.) what about it's a fuel dump?
comment on caption:
This is supposed to be 4 star, it's a bloody shithole. [Dan Dan]
Hi Neil, As it's had a few votes It's probably best not to change it. Cheers though
comment on caption:
This is supposed to be 4 star, it's a bloody shithole. [Dan Dan]
Truth instead of true?
comment on caption:
It's only 9% truth. [Dan Dan]
comment on caption:
It's only 9% truth. [Dan Dan]
A small change but a BIG difference. Cheers Blondie.
comment on caption:
It's only 9% truth. [Dan Dan]
Finger licking good
comment on caption:
A cracking night out. A good curry and a bit of pussy. [Dan Dan]
Even harder at night.
comment on caption:
This photo is a Mare to caption [Dan Dan]
at knight?
comment on caption:
This photo is a Mare to caption [Dan Dan]
Is that because he's going to pee?
comment on caption:
"And you'll feel the water go warm in 3, 2, 1.. [Dan Dan]
Yes John
comment on caption:
"And you'll feel the water go warm in 3, 2, 1.. [Dan Dan]