lol creative clever

super vote: ( left this week)

now click a caption or

last comments (total: 15)

What has happened to this site? Its meant to be clever and intellectual,a caption that shows wit and correlates to the picture with clever wordplay and associative dialogue's...... What relevance has this caption got to do with the Mona Lisa? I've seen this a lot recently...step your games up people


Will somebody please tell anon that I don't talk to strangers

(caption author)

I'll tell anon for you and I'll also ask them to correct their incorrect use of apostrophes i.e. "Its" should read "It's" and "dialogue's" should read "dialogues". Thank you.


@Dot Old - also tell anon to use a space after a comma


Haha, I will Mr Dome, together with a full stop after "people". Thank you.


You three will upset moaning Lisa.


To be fair, why does a caption have to be about the Mona Lisa? She is not the only subject in the photo. Who really cares what aspect of the picture is taken as long as it is part of the photo and provides us with some humour? Lots of the best captions are the least obvious. Otherwise we could be deemed far less creative by ONLY captioning things about the Mona Lisa/the main subject matter - something I think would definitely dumb down the site. I hadn't realised the site was only for clever and intellectual captions. I thought it was an open forum for people to express their own take on a subject, bringing together like-minded individuals who might otherwise not interact with each other on a day to day basis. If you had a Venn diagram showing 'clever captions' as one set and 'intellectual captions' as another set, I think the intersection would be relatively small compared to the intersections with either of those two sets and a third set of 'daft and irreverent captions' which I think would both be quite big. I visit the site because I see clever, intellectual people creating weird and wacky captions, some are totally off the wall and fit perfectly to the picture yet don't mention anything about the subject. And for that reason I think the site is excellent


I know who the fuck you all are, lets save this conversation until we are face to face, your sincerely Ross Davidson


* yours sincerely


My Dearest Anon,
I think you're slagging off the wrong caption. Quite often photos pop up which are very similar to previous photos that have appeared on the site. The Mona Lisa is one of them. We have seen her smiling before. The poster of the 'Labrador' caption could have taken the easy way out and recycled some old material - Moaning Lisa etc - but instead he/she tried to come up with something original. This should be applauded not criticised.


Your comment made me think of this gem of a caption from 2018 Mr Dome.


Hahaha Karyn. Yes for sure 😊


Taxi for Dave?


Did I miss something?
(You go away for a few hours....)


I'm a fan of captions that encompass all the major features of a photo, but I don't understand why Anon has attacked this caption. There are only 2 major features in the photo, the painting and the crowd, and the caption author has included both of them.

As Mr. Dome says, there is no rule as to who the subject must be, and switching the obvious subject is an easy way to alter perspective and generate humour. Does this make it formulaic? Maybe, but it's inevitable that formulas are going to appear when enough captions are written and read. As long as the wording and observation are original that's the primary concern.

And at least it wasn't "How will I recognise you?" or "Swipe left".

EDIT: Although, thinking about it, "How will I recognise you" might actually have worked here...


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