Willie, your comment totally reminds me of that's children's nursery rhyme "Anon put the comment in the comments section" "Who me?" "Yes! - You!" "Couldn't be" "Then who?" "Anon put the comment in the comments section"
However it turns out that it was Ollie all along. Everyone knows it was Ollie, also known an "oily" Ollie. Never here, because it's always an Ollie day for Ollie. When I found out Anon was Ollie, it was like scoring a goal and I went outside and shouted "Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Olllliiiee! Ollie!" It's quite funny though when I discovered that Anon had multiple personalities and wasn't just one person, because as a group they Ollie, they Ollie Olthetime (please rebute if this isn't correct). But then again surely that's unnecessarily demonising Anon/Ollie (please tell me if I am), I wouldn't want to do that, they're alright actually. Anon's more amusing than anything, we couldn't have caption.me/ without Anon or Ollie, who's with me!?
Many years ago when I drove a school bus, the kids would do that rhyme. It was a hand-off kind of thing where they'd say someone's name at the end and that person would go through the whole rhyme and name someone else.
"Who me?"
"Not you, the other anon."
"No, the other anon."
Willie, your comment totally reminds me of that's children's nursery rhyme
"Anon put the comment in the comments section"
"Who me?"
"Yes! - You!"
"Couldn't be"
"Then who?"
"Anon put the comment in the comments section"
However it turns out that it was Ollie all along. Everyone knows it was Ollie, also known an "oily" Ollie. Never here, because it's always an Ollie day for Ollie. When I found out Anon was Ollie, it was like scoring a goal and I went outside and shouted "Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Ollie! Olllliiiee! Ollie!" It's quite funny though when I discovered that Anon had multiple personalities and wasn't just one person, because as a group they Ollie, they Ollie Olthetime (please rebute if this isn't correct). But then again surely that's unnecessarily demonising Anon/Ollie (please tell me if I am), I wouldn't want to do that, they're alright actually. Anon's more amusing than anything, we couldn't have caption.me/ without Anon or Ollie, who's with me!?
Many years ago when I drove a school bus, the kids would do that rhyme. It was a hand-off kind of thing where they'd say someone's name at the end and that person would go through the whole rhyme and name someone else.