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Jane has always been a very supportive wife.
Strictly Coma Dancing
He's my sleeping partner.
I always feel a right tit on the dance floor.
Marriage, day 1. "Ok Gilbert, let me tell you about my day..."
🎵 Dance Hall Daze 🎵
You put your left eyelid in Your left eyelid out In, out, in, out You shake it all about
"Don't try that one. I still want to talk about our feelings and where we're going, even if it's in the morning"
Where will you be when narcolepsy strikes?
- So where did you two meet? - I picked him up in a bar
Switching drinks was one of Madie's wiser moves.
Margaret would never let her husband down
When instead of drinking your red wine you accidentally drink the one Bill Cosby bought your girlfriend.
"I can't believe how drunk you are. I take it we aren't having sex tonight?" "F-cking right we aren't, tits that small. What's your sister doing?"
Weekend at Bernies does Back to the Future, the Enchantment Under the Sea Prom scene where Bernie dates his mom and she doesn't know she's being a necrophiliac.
"I can only score him 7 as he was a little stiff on the dance floor." "Of course he's stiff he's been dead 4 months."
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