"The only thing evil can't stand is forgiveness..."
"You can't really love someone unless you love yourself first..."
"Real strength has to do with helping others..."
"Yeah, Mr Rogers I think I know what's effecting him. We need to tone down the positive advice, he can't deal with it. I'm sorry but your son thinks everything's shit and the world's a miserable place"
"Can I give your horse some oats before I leave, Roy?"
"That's ok, I think he's already stuffed. Happy trails to you until we meet again."
"The only thing evil can't stand is forgiveness..."
"You can't really love someone unless you love yourself first..."
"Real strength has to do with helping others..."
"Yeah, Mr Rogers I think I know what's effecting him. We need to tone down the positive advice, he can't deal with it. I'm sorry but your son thinks everything's shit and the world's a miserable place"