The Prototype: All Bolts and No Nuts...
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This one's a failure,
There's no genitalia,
(No wonder it's looking so glum)
For what could be worse
Than that terrible curse
Of never being able to cum?...
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You deserve more votes! ✔️
Never being able to go?
Thank you, Julia. My verses remain unloved. Except by me and a Mr Grimslade at No 42. Counselling has helped me come to terms with how Captioneers vote. And the odd bottle of whisky, of course...
Well I do not object to your style of verse,
No matter how obscure or even perverse,
I do find it funny and you could do much worse.
There's nothing wrong with being a sex machine
However the makers deliberately stopped terminators from cumming due to their sensitivities - they found what came out on release was crude