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"Dave, your great great grandfather never looks any different on the family photos."
I always look back on this photo and think I was lucky it was Dracula and not Jimmy Saville
Me and my blood relative.
"Don't worry, my son. You can always count on me."
“Little bugger’s been eating garlic hasn’t he.”
On adventure with Vlad.
Adam’s family.
Fangs for the memories
"This is a rare photo of me with my uncle. I didn't see much of him because he always worked nights."
During the divorce Dave bled his wife dry and still made sure he had visitation rights
"OK, when I said bring me virgins, I obviously meant virgins with big tits."
Looking back, I suppose my Biology teacher was quite weird.
Santa costume shortage hits Huddersfield.
“Who’s your favourite from Sesame Street Timmy?” ‘My Daddy.’ “He doesn’t count.” ‘I assure you he does.’
''Darling, I wish you would stop snacking between meals.''
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