Wow!! Cheers for the kind comments, everyone, and especially to Paul (the Finder), and to James, John L, and Glad (the generous Super-voters) as well as Vincent for his early praise. So many great captions this past month! I feel sorry to have pip... --Crunchy Chords
Challenge accepted, Julia.🎵 “It's not entirely my faultMy songs sound like gargled phlegmI'm trying to sing from music notesThat have a backward stem." 🎵Anyone else want to have a go? --Crunchy Chords
I was too slow putting on my Poppins caption but I think yours could stay considering how obvious Poppins is and your caption was great. --Stephen Bean
Pfft.. only shades I could get. Can't be cool, with all these flower-power hippy types. As a seedling, I dreamed of heading a gang of opium poppies. --Mauris Iocus
Welcome to the Trumpian future. That'll be £20,000 please.
comment on caption:
"So let me get this straight: you and
your fellow 'surgeons' are going to
extract nine of my organs, the
'Operation' will last about twenty minutes,
and I'LL BE AWAKE THE ENTIRE TIME?" [Crunchy Chords]
He ended up paying 130,000 dollars for it.
comment on caption:
Not surprisingly,Trump
arrived and grabbed her sign. [Crunchy Chords]
Berry good
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I'm trying to think of a caption using escargot,
some clever pun or turn of fraise.... [Crunchy Chords]
(Nods to 12:28:17 and all the other poo jokes)
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. "So many targets...
. so little time." [Crunchy Chords]
What say we target that no pooping sign.
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. "So many targets...
. so little time." [Crunchy Chords]
That's because he's Kirk's right hand man.
comment on caption:
"Doctor McCoy, I am unable to perform
the Vulcan mind meld with this alien entity."
"Dammit, Spock, that's because .
you've got two right hands!" . [Crunchy Chords]
Nod and a vote to 20:00:17 several seconds before.
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The management are always afraid the workers will strike.
[Crunchy Chords]
March 2019:
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Deja goo: that strange feeling that you've been through this sh*t before. [Crunchy Chords]
Deja goo: that strange feeling that you've been through this sh*t before.
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Deja goo: that strange feeling that you've been through this sh*t before. [Crunchy Chords]
Or anon captioneer?
comment on caption:
"... And don't get me started on my husband, a pain in the arse, he is."
"More of a pain in the neck!"
"... What are you, a bloody captioneer?"
[Crunchy Chords]