super vote: ( left this week)
Jim isn't insane for hoarding so many magazines but he does have a lot of issues.
03/12/22 20:09:09
His name is Clop. We need to clip Clop.
15/06/22 7:50:48
I use a Tom Jones CD it's more effective against croonervirus.
25/09/22 19:00:42
"Jim your dinners ready, what are you looking for?""I'm looking for a book by Shakespeare""Which one?""William"
03/12/22 21:24:31
"Do you know what my favourite wine is, George?""Oh probably some old shit about brexit, fuel costs or wanting a bigger house"
16/09/22 19:01:26
"OK I'm shining the torch where I want you to shoot it with a tranquilizer"
12/09/22 7:04:39
"And what's your occupation?""I crush cans with my feet, it's soda pressing"
21/01/23 20:51:26
Hello France, I want to come home 😕
09/01/23 20:02:30
The chief whippet sits at the front.
02/12/22 20:25:41, edited: 02/12/22 20:26:01
Adam was pleased with a bronze in the water drinking contest.
12/07/22 19:01:51
Siberian hussy.
27/06/22 11:02:23
"My brother and me go to carpenter classes""Cool, have you been going long?""We've only just begun"
23/01/23 20:34:33
Fountain of youth
19/09/22 19:01:49
Shave the children.
13/06/22 7:46:23
Drowning street
14/05/19 7:16:41
Much kneaded rest.
24/07/22 7:04:13
"I just spotted some ridiculous hare in the mirror""Well wear a hat or get it cut, Donald"
08/05/22 19:03:49
"Shit, I keep forgetting i'm gay"
09/06/19 7:27:52
Foot soldier
12/05/19 7:07:18
Pooched eggs.
01/01/19 20:00:30
Great at playing bagpipes... Rubbish at hiding tennis balls.
08/01/23 13:20:18
Olga was an expert at holding a conference.
23/07/22 11:03:12
Cones on hard shoulder
24/06/22 7:00:17
I usually steer clear of spicy food.
02/05/19 11:21:13
Until I come back for a look, this caption has zero votes and 21 votes.
21/01/23 8:27:04
"Those mushrooms were tasty now let's run up the hill and give that unicorn this carrot"
07/01/23 20:23:18
Makes you smile this photo, dozen tit?
06/10/22 11:01:29
If your chicken stops when walking... Don't poulet.
15/07/22 11:00:38
My new home is growing on me.
26/11/18 8:11:21
Super king cobra.
30/10/18 20:14:37
I bought the wife a Pug for her birthday and despite being fat, wrinkly and smelly with bulging eyes, the dog seems to like her.
27/09/22 7:01:29
Brenda found a novel way of smoking a cigarette without removing her mask.
25/09/22 19:09:30
22/09/22 19:08:47
Jim believed in lawlessness and always went with his gut.
27/08/22 19:02:10
She looks shattered.
05/07/22 12:52:39
"Darling, should I do my bikini wax before we go on holiday?"
07/06/22 11:00:29
Laura was so distracted by the flies she never noticed the carnivorous eyeball flower making it's move.
14/06/19 8:57:40
"Whoa whoa whoa!, piss off I have six lives left, God"
12/06/19 7:37:29
They never did find the 1956 hide and seek champion.
16/12/18 20:01:45
Tyrannosaurus wrecks.
22/09/22 19:11:31
Frost bite
30/05/22 11:25:34
That time grandma bought me a Teenage mutant ninja turtle costume from WISH
28/04/22 19:00:43
Desmond chew chew
19/06/19 7:07:16
'Visitors to local beach warned of escaped black, poisonous salamander seen diving into peoples boats'
17/05/19 7:09:39
Raising a child.
07/05/19 19:00:20
Hairy queen of scots.
04/05/19 19:00:38
09/11/18 20:00:16
That's wrong on so many levels.
20/09/22 11:01:05
By Clawed Moonet
16/08/22 11:30:25
The Tides Inn.
08/10/22 7:01:46
The others had no idea what the Y.M.C.A was.
28/12/18 8:13:44
More twisted than the votes on here.
16/01/23 20:02:37
The statue of Liber-t-mobile.
09/01/23 20:01:39
Kitten roll
14/12/22 20:01:04
"Scooby doo, where are... Oh yeah top left"
08/12/22 9:29:32
Someone's taken a fence.
07/12/22 20:01:18
I've never understood why we don't just spell the word invisible as
05/12/22 20:00:36
"On the bright side I sold all your trainers and shoes on gumtree"
02/11/22 12:03:33
I'm not ordering the soup it goes straight through me.
23/10/22 11:22:40
Shipping lane
11/10/22 20:27:39
Electricity pile-on.
08/10/22 11:00:19
(kick the) bucket seats.
25/09/22 7:00:56
30/08/22 7:04:37
He was flying at break neck speed.
18/08/22 19:01:00
If fuel prices keep going up I'm going to have to go back to drinking vodka.
15/06/22 11:01:21
Mane attraction
15/06/22 7:00:57
Faeces of evil
01/05/22 13:18:40
Peter looked up an old flame.
15/06/19 11:05:29
04/05/19 19:02:10
The bike thief was eventually busted.
25/11/18 8:49:08
He couldn't workout how to spell properly.
10/11/18 22:30:21
Tom did D.I.Y jobs to make ends meet
23/01/23 20:22:53
"And can I have a wrap please?""Sure...🎵My name is Harry, I told some liesAnd now I only sell burgers and friesMy girl is mad, she's always seenShe hates my dad, my brother and the QueenI hope one day, I'll be back on topAnd get away from this fast-food shop"🎵"Ermmm. Thank... You... Goodbye" Vrooom..
22/01/23 20:25:08
Experts hunt for the missing ostrich photo.
06/01/23 20:54:34
"I don't have spare gloves just push with your bear hands"
16/12/22 20:00:34
Junk food peddlers
28/10/22 19:07:47
Susie Dent.
12/10/22 11:37:15
With his duck decoys in place, it was only a matter of time before stupid humans came along with bread.
05/10/22 19:11:09
"Let's make this interesting" said Tiddles.So they stopped playing Chess.
18/09/22 11:09:04
Slim gym
05/09/22 7:01:20
Checkout the length of that hair!
04/09/22 11:05:17
FOR SALE: Gents sandals, good condition with just a few marks on soles. £3.
13/08/22 22:54:12
This photo is just wrong on so many levels.
13/08/22 19:11:19
When the whale sneezed at deep sea world.
16/07/22 20:10:24
The green green glass of home.
16/07/22 19:23:08
Clawed Monet
25/06/22 7:53:48
"But mum you said I need to spread my snacks out more"
11/06/22 11:04:42
Frost byte
31/05/22 7:13:17
I'll never look at a Cadburys caramel the same way again.
18/05/22 11:00:41
His wife is four hours behind them on their pet centipede.It was putting its shoes on.
10/05/22 11:00:46
'Next stop Edinburgh Waverley'
16/05/19 20:38:07
Au what a lovely pair!
09/05/19 8:03:47
My Sweet Lord.
24/12/18 20:14:05
"Dave, you're going to kill yourself!""Oh don't be daft i only smoke five a day!"
20/12/18 20:03:52
I hate bloody clowns.
09/11/18 8:01:41
28/01/23 12:52:58
"Mr Brown, why are you parked in the trolley bay?""I'm protecting myself""From what?""From carownervirus"
08/01/23 20:01:10
Hay jude
06/12/22 12:02:15
A piece of pumpkin pie in Jamaica costs 3 dollars and 4 dollars in Barbados.This is the pie rates of the carribean.
14/10/22 19:09:36
"Daddy, where did you get this cotton candy? ""I'm not telling you""it's not fair"
09/10/22 19:06:14
35 - 44 25 - 34 15 - 24 5 - 14 1 - 4
Great caption anon, it's one of your best. (*Side note, I just tried to write a comment in the previous comment.)
comment on caption: . [Craig Eddsenior]
Don’t give him the key! Wurzel case scenario
comment on caption: Collumbine harvester [Craig Eddsenior]
When they stick their heads in the ground, they are invisible.
comment on caption: Experts hunt for the missing ostrich photo. [Craig Eddsenior]
That bird has flown.... (and now returned)
I don't blame her.
comment on caption: Hello France, I want to come home 😕 [Craig Eddsenior]
I dunno, you don't see the tennis balls in his nose and ear. (And he's good at hiding his other ear and his chin.)
comment on caption: Great at playing bagpipes... Rubbish at hiding tennis balls. [Craig Eddsenior]
Well served!
comment on caption: "And can I have a wrap please?""Sure...🎵My name is Harry, I told some liesAnd now I only sell burgers and friesMy girl is mad, she's always seenShe hates my dad, my brother and the QueenI hope one day, I'll be back on topAnd get away from this fast-food shop"🎵"Ermmm. Thank... You... Goodbye" Vrooom.. [Craig Eddsenior]
You got the same joke book as me for Christmas.
comment on caption: "My brother and me go to carpenter classes""Cool, have you been going long?""We've only just begun" [Craig Eddsenior]
Could just be Crackodile…
comment on caption: Crackodile. [Craig Eddsenior]
20:38 has a lacoste of living
comment on caption: Lacoste of living [Craig Eddsenior]
Great caption anon, it's one of your best.
(*Side note, I just tried to write a comment in the previous comment.)
comment on caption:
. [Craig Eddsenior]
Don’t give him the key! Wurzel case scenario
comment on caption:
Collumbine harvester [Craig Eddsenior]
When they stick their heads in the ground, they are invisible.
comment on caption:
Experts hunt for the missing ostrich photo. [Craig Eddsenior]
That bird has flown.... (and now returned)
comment on caption:
Experts hunt for the missing ostrich photo. [Craig Eddsenior]
I don't blame her.
comment on caption:
Hello France, I want to come home 😕 [Craig Eddsenior]
I dunno, you don't see the tennis balls in his nose and ear.
(And he's good at hiding his other ear and his chin.)
comment on caption:
Great at playing bagpipes... Rubbish at hiding tennis balls. [Craig Eddsenior]
Well served!
comment on caption:
"And can I have a wrap please?"
🎵My name is Harry, I told some lies
And now I only sell burgers and fries
My girl is mad, she's always seen
She hates my dad, my brother and the Queen
I hope one day, I'll be back on top
And get away from this fast-food shop"🎵
"Ermmm. Thank... You... Goodbye" Vrooom.. [Craig Eddsenior]
You got the same joke book as me for Christmas.
comment on caption:
"My brother and me go to carpenter classes"
"Cool, have you been going long?"
"We've only just begun" [Craig Eddsenior]
Could just be Crackodile…
comment on caption:
Crackodile. [Craig Eddsenior]
20:38 has a lacoste of living
comment on caption:
Lacoste of living [Craig Eddsenior]