This is ridiculous, this caption was on here first that is why it is below. This sort of thing happens all the time; the second captioneer should remove their caption.
Great minds think a like, they are both 11:00. I'm voting for this one because I like the capital used for Shop. Perhaps Chris should put seconds on the captions, so you could curse if you were beaten by a split second.
Maybe I can clear things up (or add further to the confusion). I also did Porner Shop at 11.00, my one was the 4th caption but I noticed the very 1st caption (this one) was also Porner Shop so I voted for it and changed my one. By the time I had, another Porner Shop had popped up 2 captions above mine. Lisa will have voted for the bottom caption but this is because mine and the others around it were all voted on very quickly, there are 9 from 11.00 which have votes.
I checked later and when both Porner Shops had 4 votes, this one was underneath.
We could have had a Porner Shop on each corner of the block if I'd left mine and Lisa had added hers.
Thanks Chris D and thanks all! I've been chuckling at the way it's taken off in this and other photos... I'm happy in knowing Porner Shop™ has become so popular. Thank you and please cum again ^_^
This is ridiculous, this caption was on here first that is why it is below. This sort of thing happens all the time; the second captioneer should remove their caption.
Great minds think a like, they are both 11:00. I'm voting for this one because I like the capital used for Shop. Perhaps Chris should put seconds on the captions, so you could curse if you were beaten by a split second.
Maybe I can clear things up (or add further to the confusion). I also did Porner Shop at 11.00, my one was the 4th caption but I noticed the very 1st caption (this one) was also Porner Shop so I voted for it and changed my one. By the time I had, another Porner Shop had popped up 2 captions above mine. Lisa will have voted for the bottom caption but this is because mine and the others around it were all voted on very quickly, there are 9 from 11.00 which have votes.

I checked later and when both Porner Shops had 4 votes, this one was underneath.
We could have had a Porner Shop on each corner of the block if I'd left mine and Lisa had added hers.
Still finding it hard to comprehend. (as usual)
It has just turned into a huge battle of wills. :-{
It seems both captioneers thought of this great caption at the same time, so I voted for both of them!
Thanks Chris D and thanks all! I've been chuckling at the way it's taken off in this and other photos... I'm happy in knowing Porner Shop™ has become so popular. Thank you and please cum again ^_^
Who had a score draw on their coupon?
It's not about coming first, it's about coming together.
I like to come first and I like to be on top when I do.