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last comments (total: 7)

They should be bloody well hung.
Well they are a couple of big dicks.


Prints are supplied in 4 pieces...having been hung, drawn and quartered.


Or drawn, hung and quartered?


If they are well hung, I for one, do not want to know.


I can understand how the media smeared Trump, and the idea before Biden’s election win that things would be so much better. However now I wonder how people do not trust what they see and hear but would rather pretend this shit show is in any way better than Trump. There used to be religious orders who whipped themselves, and now I see people suffering but still claiming it is worth it not to have Trump. You Masochists keep pretending that the empty shell Biden isn’t the worst President of the USA. There is no bigger joke than watching people who thought Trump was an embarrassment stand and defend a witless idiot.


Interesting point of view Neil. I think South Park got it right about politics in general - who would you vote for between Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?

The previous leader shouldn't resonate through your candidacy. Unfortunately Joe Biden's had to follow up with things like the withdrawal from Afghanistan which Trump motioned during his term.

It's one of these things where there's always moaning when the leader you don't want in government is in the Oval Office or wherever, but unfortunately whether you like them or not you're stuck with them for their get used to it and see what happens until the next election...unless death, impeachment or health cuts their term short

And although people might not necessarily have liked Trump at least Trump didn't have protestors arrested for simply holding up a cardboard sign like Putin's repressive regime in Russia.

You were allowed to criticise and moan about Trump because there was Freedom of Speech, I don't think some people realise what a luxury this is compared to other countries and how spoilt they are!


I’d vote for the one who still has his marbles, but I can’t because I’m not American.


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