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Perhaps our American captioneer can explain this vehicle. Is it a boxcar, Willie?
"...then of course I had to get the spray job to match, I don't wanna look stupid".
Dave wasn't as cruel as people thought. He had a tarpaulin to cover the kids up when it rained.
"I still don't understand why you took it to that Amish mechanic."
Dave sells his produce from the back of the car. These boots are made for hawking.
Not-so-Smart Car
Car booty
Does my bum look big in this?
Barnsley Open Top Bus Company scale down operations due to 'challenging trading conditions.'
A shed load of boot space.
Trailer Trash
It’s not the first old banger to get a Brazilian Booty Lift
Look at the arse on that! The KIM KARdashian of the motoring world.
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